Chapter 5

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Chapter Five: Aftermath

{Yukio's POV}

Everything was slowly falling apart. Our lives crumbling before us. I'd hate to think that it could get any worse but I'd be fooling myself. It did get worse because now Rin is attending True Cross Academy as well. I cringed at the thought.

I just have to make it past the first day. If he hates me oh well. It's his fault father died in the first place.

Im not sure if I meant that or not, but being upset is logical.

"Welcome to True Cross Academy" Mephisto Pheles chuckled. He's the principal at the academy and the founder of the Exorcist Cram School. To think that such a flashy man could be in charge of such immense organizations is beyond anyones comprehension.

But set aside, he is a brilliant man with his quirks.

«Back At The Monastery»

{Orphia's POV}

It was dark and cold. Mainly cold but the constant growling my stomach was emanating only convinced me further that I wasn't dead. Of course I knew I couldn't possibly die from something as weak as a shove, but it did hurt like hell.

Groaning, I stood up and looked around.

"Where on Assiah am I" I whispered with wide eyes. A bright light shined in my face and I recoiled in disgust.

"Who are you" a voice sighed.

"I'd like to ask the same of you" I retorted. A low chuckle echoed around the empty room before the light switched off. I listened for signs of attack, but I heard nothing.

"My name is Amaimon. Im the Demon King of Earth" the voice stated. It was an inappropriate time but I burst out laughing.

"No way. There is no way that my cousin stumbled upon me. It's impossible" I smirked. I knew it was him. I could hear it in his voice. A thick tone of monotony and a hint of curiosity. It's just who he is.

"Believe what you want but my big brother has plans for you. I don't know who you are or why you are so important, but you're coming with me" he sighed.

Well then. Cousin Mephisto hasn't shown his interest in me in quite a while.

Okay. Let's turn this into a little game. I'll go along with whatever these dweebs have to say, and in return, I'll promise to make things interesting along the way. . . .

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