Accident - Calum

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Calum got the call, the call that told him his sister was in an accident. What kind of accident? They didn't tell him.

He just knew he had to get to the hospital. He drove as fast as he could to get there, running to find where you were.

It broke Calum's heart when he saw you laid in the bed, you had so many tubes and wires everywhere, cuts and bruises.

"What happened?" Calum asked, holding back his tears. "Will she be okay?"

"She was in a car crash, it was a nasty one." The nurse monitoring her said sadly. "She's stable for now." She smiled, in a reassuring voice. She also told him they didn't know the extent of her injuries, one of which was a suspected spinal cord injury. They didn't know if she'd be able to walk.

Calum sat next to his sister on the chair, holding her hand. When the nurse left, he broke down. He couldn't loose his sister, she was everything to him.

"You got to wake up (Y/N), I won't manage without you." He sniffled. What made it worse was Calum had news to tell (Y/N), news that at the time made him so happy before this happened. She was going to be an Aunty.

Night after night, Calum laid by her beside, just waiting for a sign of her waking up. He wouldn't leave her side.


How was this? I might do a part two? I WAS GONNA WAIR BUT I KINDA REALLY LIKED IT SO HERE YOU GO

QOTD:  Would you like more preferences like this? - like the cancer one, hey angel, and missing you?
AOTD: up to you guys! Let me know and maybe drop some ideas (it could be a song or just a random theme!)

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