Chapter 35: Our New Adventure

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Natsu's POV

I carried Lucy all the way back to the boat and there I laid her down on my bed and kissed her forehead.

"Oi, Happy, can you give this to the crew." I tell him handing him a scroll telling everyone where we are going.

"Aye sir!" I shouts flying outside.

I sit next to Lucy and just watch her sleep (woah creepy natsu) while thinking of this 'trip we are taking'
We are taking trip all around the world, to every port. And I want Lucy by my side. I don't care if she is some fairy, that's the fairy I fell in love with from the very first time I saw her with Happy.  I know there was lots of fighting between us but that's what brought us closer.

"Natsu!" I hear Gray shout.

"Oi!? She's sleeping, now shut up!" I shout.

"Do you really want to go out with this plan? We just got back from our one trip a few months ago."

"Yeah now go.." I say

Gray leaves and sooner of later Lucy wakes up and I tell her everything.

"Will you go with me?" I ask.

She looks at me and then smiles...

"Yes Natsu!" She tells me...

I have one more surprise here for Lucy..

"Lucy, one more thing." I then pull out a small box.

"Will you marry me? And stay with me through everything?" I ask

I look up at her and she a tears in her eyes...





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