Here Comes The Sin Train, Choo-Choo!!! (Part #3)

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I should REALLY be finishing my Science and Journalism work... but anyway, WHO CARESSSS

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except for this story and some of its plotlines.


(#1:  VickieDo asks:) "What ships are you trying to make canon/fanon?" (To: Sin Squad)

G: Hm...

Sin Squad: Hm....

GanZ: Oh, I know one!

Science: Oh, really? What is it then?


Reaper: <0-0>

GanZ, Science: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (laughing maniacally)

G: GUYS NO PLEASE (blushing)

(#2: Wildberrywind dares:) "See who can stand on their heads the longest!" (To: Everyone)

Sans: ...

Sans: Wouldn't that hurt...?

Swap: (shrugs) We won't know if we won't try!

Swap: (tries to stand on his head)

Swap: (fails and falls) OWIE!

Swap: I HAVE A HURTIE ON MY HEADIE (starts rubbing his head) (about to cry)

ERROR: Oh god... he's gONNA CRY (takes cover behind a table)

Sans: What? It's not like-

Swap: (starts crying really loudly)

Everyone: AHHHHHHHHHH (covering their ears from all the noise)

(#3: 88WingDing dares:) "Watch Kagerou Days!" (To: Katana)

*Swap suddenly stops crying.

GanZ: I-it's over... am I right...? (puts his hands down)

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