SciFell and Sins (Part 6)

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Oh s***, R.I.P. G. LMAO he gon' die.

I do not own anything except for this story.


Outer, SwapFell: (come back up from the elevator)

Sans: Oh, hey. You guys are back.

Outer: With our missions completed.

SwapFell: Can't believe I did that.

Outer, SwapFell: (puts the recorders on the coffee table)

Sans: Nice work. (thumbs up)

Outer: Thanks. (sits down on the couch)

SwapFell: So, since we're done, what next?

G: ... (sweats)

GanZ: Oh, wait! This is the flirt part!

Sensy: Oh my god, what?

GanZ: G's supposedly going to make Fel jealous by flirting with Sci.

Sensy: (trying to hold in laughter)


G: I don't wanna hit on my own sin friend!

GanZ: Oh, G. Don't worry. (patting his back)

Ink: Besides, if you pull it off well, SciFell's going to be canon.

Sensy: And I'd kill to see that.


G: (sighs) ...fine...

G: But, before I get ripped bone by bone by Fell, can I make a phone call?

Ink: Umm... sure.

G: Alright. (dials phone number)

G: Yo, EF?

???: Hm? Uh... ye?

G: Hey, how ya doin'?

???: Hm? Me? Yeah, fine, I guess.

???: Hold on, is this UTMob G or UnderPatch G? 'Cause you're the only two who have my real phone number.

G: It's UnderPatch here.

???: Foxy Grandpa's not there?

G: No, he's back at UTMob.

???: Huh. Makes sense. He still does have to take care of Kitty Cat.

???: Anyway, what's going on?

G: Listen, EF.

???: Yeah... I am...

G: Yo wanna see some SciFell in action?


G: Then... you better come here, because we're still kinda getting 'em together... and we need your help.

???: Hm? Wait, you said "we". Who else is with you?

G: A whole s*** ton of other Sanses also working with me to get SciFell canon.

???: Oh, alright. What'chu need my help for, though?

G: You're a proffesional photographer, right?

???: Uh... yeah. Why is that?

G: Listen... in this three step plan, it's kinda like... the flirt part. Ya know, to get Fell jealous and s***.

???: Hm. Alright, sounds interesting enough.

G: And... I'm kinda doing the flirting...

G: Listen... if I'm going to get torn to pieces out there by a jealous, angry, red jelly donut, I want you to take pictures for me when they first kiss... alright?

???: ...

G: Because I am certain that that jelly donut is going to tear me apart... and I'll never get to see SciFell real.

???: ...

G: And this is quite the bother, actually. Heh.

G: And since I'll never get to see it real, I want you to take pictures for me.

G: Maybe even leave one at my grave. Heh. That way, I'll see it too.

???: ...I'll do it.

G: ...thanks, EF.

???: No prob, G. I'm comin'.


G: (ends phone call) Well, that's over with.

Swap: Who was that?

G: Eh. Just an old friend of mine.

Swap: Friend? Who?

G: They call him EchoFell. He's like a fusion of EchoTale me and Fell.

G: He's a proffesional photographer. So, he's going to be taking pictures of when they kiss.

Swap: Why can't you do it?

G: Well, because Fell is going to tear me apart. You see, when Fell gets angry... he's kinda like ERROR. He'd destroy something to sooth his anger and all.

Swap: So, you're saying he's going to do that to you?

G: Yep.

Swap: When's your EchoFell friend coming?

G: Hm... tomorrow. Most probably.

Swap: Can't wait to meet him!


Oh s*** gotta find out how G's gonna flirt... damn...

The REAL flirting is at Part 7. So, the action's happenin' tomorrow! Yeeeeee sinnnnnn!!!!!

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