SciFell and Sins (Part 3)

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LMAO you given me really good ideas, Chim. I'M SO EXCITED!!! This is a three step plan so one step each chapter...? I'M GOING TO TRY MAKING IT LONG GUYZ! Wish me luck...

Plan by ChimCat, you can still send in your own plan before this gets into the second phase, guys! Make sure they're good, 'cause I wanna make this last!

I do not own anything except for this story and its plotline. Okay, maybe the plan is by Chim... and probably other people too...


G: Alright, people. We've got a good plan right here!

Everyone: (fussing over the phone, trying to see the plan)


ERROR: We so gotta do this.


Sensy: Hun, calm down.

G: So, we're starting off with the two closest people to Fell and Science...

Everyone: Closest people to Fell...?

Chess: This right here is one of the hardest questions...

Everyone: Hm...

Swap: I KNOW!

Everyone Else: (gasps in suprise)

Swap: I could go call SwapFell. He's pretty close with Fell.

ERROR: "SwapFell"...?

Swap: Yeah. He belongs to the SwapFell AU.

Ink: I don't remember making SwapFell.

ERROR: Then again, you're a forgetful rainbow asshole. (LMAO stop being mean, ERROR)

Ink: <-_->

G: Hey wait, isn't SwapFell the sadistic, seductive, EDGIER version of you?

Swap: Yeah, why?

G: Oh-kay... Haha, who knew BlueBerry over here could be edgy???

Swap: Alright-y then! (dials SwapFell's number on the phone)


???: Hello?

Swap: SWAPFELL!! Long time no chat, eh?

SwapFell: Ugh, you again. BlueBerry, right?

Swap: That's the nickname! But my real name is...


SwapFell: Do I really have to go through this s*** again???

SwapFell: What's this for now???

Swap: Well uh... we just need someone close to Fell... like you! For example...

SwapFell: (sighs)

Swap: I heard you're good at blackmail... I got two friends over here who are good at that too!

SwapFell: (gasps) Blackmail buddies?!

SwapFell: Fine, fine. I'll be right there. Hold on, I heard ERROR's there, ask him to open up a portal for me.

Swap: Alright then!


SwapFell: (hops out of the portal) So, what'cha need me for?

Swap: Read this.

SwapFell: (reading) This is quite interesting... (laughs evilly)

SwapFell: Alright, then. So you need me to talk it out with Edgy Mc My Chemical Romance?

G: Yep. Ask him about his likes, turn ons, turn offs, and obviously who his crush is.

SwapFell: Alright then.

G: You'll be needing this. (hands him a voice recorder) He's in the Training Room far underground. You better hide that from him, though. If he sees it, he'll find out about what we're doing. Then this whole thing is ruined.

SwapFell: Hmm... I like the cards I'm playin' at tonight~...

SwapFell: But if he doesn't spit it out... (prepares his whip)

Everyone Else: (sweats)

SwapFell: Wish me luck. (goes into the elevator leading down into the Training Room)

G: Okay, then. So, now we're done with Fell, who'll go for Science?

Everyone: (looks at G)

G: It can't be me! I'm doing phase two!

Ink: Then maybe Outer should do it? He's astronomy buddies with Science.

G: Yeah, good point.

Outer: (sweats)

G: It's not that hard. Science is really easy to trick, man.

Ink: It sounds like you've been doing that to him for a long time.

G: Nah. It's easy to make him spill his secrets though.

Ink: Haha, you jerk.

G: I know.

G: Anyway, the recorder. I'm pretty sure he's in the Lab. Which is also ironically located underground (gives Outer the recorder) Good luck.

Outer: Thanks I guess...? (takes the recorder and heads for the same elevator SwapFell used, this time setting his destination to the Lab)

G: So far so good with the plan.

Ink: I hope this doesn't end up a big mess.


LMAO it's 1:00 AM in Southeast Asia right now and I need my sleep. So, I'm going to end the chapter here, gonna update when I finish Part 4 and 5. I'M GONNA MAKE THIS SUPER LONG HUEHUEHUE

BTW, never forget to send in your questions and your story plot(s) (you can send in more than one) for SciFell and Sins. Thanks for reading!

OMG, what will my friends think of my eyebags LMAO?!

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