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"Uh.. September 2nd?" He smiled.

"July 21st. What's my favorite color?"

"Red." He nodded his head.

"Yellow. I'll give you an easy one. What are my powers?" I raised eyebrows into the air.

"I know this. Freezing.. uh Telekinesis, and Astral Projection." He said.

My mouth dropped in shock. "Seriously?" I angrily walked away.
I was sitting at one of the outside lunch tables eating a foot long sandwich when HJ approached me.

"Hey." I took a bite of my sandwich.

He quickly snatched it from my hands and threw it on the ground. I stared at the sandwich and sighed. I reached into my bag next to me and pulled out another sandwich rapped in plastic.

HJ pushed his eyebrows together. "You had two sandwiches?"

"I'm a Werewolf. What did you expect?" I asked.

"Speaking of Werewolf. Why the hell does my girlfriend have glowing blue eyes!?!" He angrily whispered.

"Whose your girlfriend?" I asked.


"Hmm.. Nope I don't know a Lily." I shook my head.

"Wait.. So it wasn't you?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Nope. Try Leo." I shrugged my shoulders.

He nodded his head and walked away.
We had about fifty humans strapped down to chairs. We already began the process of turning them all into supers.

"Once the mind control serum transfers to their brain we'll send our most powerful super to the Halliwells." Dr. Grant smiled.

"Who is our most powerful super?" Dr. Colemon asked.

"One that Tamora is very familiar with. Dashawn Lynch."
My cousins (except for Wyatt, Alex and HJ), sisters, and I were in the living room. HJ had called a meeting.

Melinda walked into the living room. "Guys the adults are going on a cruise for the weekend. So we have the manor to ourselves." She informed everyone.

"Hey are those new jeans?" PJ asked.

Melinda smiled as she looked down at her pants. "Yeah."

"Ouch." PJ said causing Melinda's smile to fade.

HJ orbed in holding a tray of brownies. "I made brownies!"
He smiled.

"Yum." I took one from of the tray and took a bite.

Patience narrowed her eyes at HJ. "What did you say?" She asked coldly.

"I said I made-" He began to say. Patience reached into her boot and pulled out her wand. She pointed it at HJ causing him to fly into the wall with the use of wind.

"Just admit your still mad about the elders not taking my wand when they took your powers!" She demanded.

"What the hell are you talking about?" HJ asked as he held is head.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat