Chapter 18

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Ricky's PoV

I feel a sharp pain in my chest as I watched and heard Jeff and Yasu. As I start sniffling, Aiden comes up from behind me and comforts me. He goes back to being on watch after a bit and I found the floor map along with where the guards are placed and where the windows are.

I tap on Aiden and say,"I found them,"

We start to form a plan to get Yasu and Jeff out of there.

3rd PoV

Yasu had finished treating and bandaging Jeff's wounds. Neither of them spoke while she was treating the wounds and just let the sadness and confusion linger in the air.

"Yasu,"Jeff says with a voice full of sadness.

"I'm sorry Jeff, but I'm glad you're alright." Yasu says with tears forming in her eyes.

Jeff sits up and hugs Yasu.

"I'm glad you jumped down to attack me that day. You showed me that there are people that care. You were the one that brought me back to sanity. I wish I can change my past, but I can't and just as you said, I should only think of the future and try to change for the better. My only way to who I am for the better is through you. And if you are gone, what am I? It would've been better if you just let me die,"

"I know you would've die for me, but this is a mess that I myself into and I shouldn't get anyone else involved into this mess."

"We only have two more hours."

"Jeff listen to me, I know that they won't let go away just like that." Yasu takes out two knives which they had forgotten to take from her.

"Yasu, what are you planning on doing?"

While Yasu and Jeff were sitting down, Auden figured out a way to freeze the images on the camera, so that it would be recording that one image and nithing else. He also locked the controls and changed up all of the passcodes and words.

After, Aiden had finished all of that, Yasu stands up and then walks quietly to the door and quietly opens it to see two gaurds facing the other way. She throws her two knives and hitting them in the neck, killing them instantly. At that moment, Ricky and Aiden comes out of the room.

Blood splatters all over the two boys and they both stand still in shock. Yasu walks up to the dead bodies and sees the two boys in a doorway.

"Ricky! Aiden!" Yasu says.

"Yasu!"they both unfreeze and goes up to Yasu and hugs her.

"Sorry, you two, but please go into that room over there? Please."

Aiden and Ricky looks at Yasu's face to see her ghoul eyes and nods. They walk into the room with Jeff in it.

As they wlk in, Jeff stands up and says,"Where's Yasu?"

Ricky says,"Out there, killed two people, I think she's,"

Ricky stops and tries to get control over his emotions, but isn't able to. Aiden notices and finishes his sentence,"a ghoul. She's probably eating."

Jeff just nods and walks towards the door, but is stopped by Ricky.

"If you break her heart or hurt her, I will kill you," Ricky says so only Jeff could hear him.

Jeff walks out the door after Ricky let his arm go.

Aiden's PoV

Ricky just stands there. I could feel the sadness emitting from him. I already know about Ricky's crush and Yasu, but I highly doubt he even knows himself.

I walk to Ricky and pull him into a hug. He starts crying and I just pat his back, not needing to say anything.

Jeff's PoV

I walk up to Yasu and see her eating them both leaving their heads alone. I tap on her shoulder and she turns around.

"Sorry, babe," I say.

I look at her blood covered face that had all of the hardships she had endured etched into her face. She resumes eating. Sje webt through more mentally demanding challenges in the past and yet she was able to keep her sanity. While I have completely lost my own sanity. I am more weaker than Yasu is and it still shows. Her strength is what pulled me back to sanity. I wish I could change the past. Why couldn't I have been more like Yasu? Instead of giving in to the voice, rejecting it and living my life without regret.

What are you doing? Just standing there? You aren't going to change anything.

The voice, it came back.

The strong controls the weak and you are weak.

That's right. I need to get stronger.

Kill and you will get stronger, I promise you.

That's what I've been doing and I haven't gotten any stronger?

That's because of love. It made you weak again.

No wait! Don't give into the voice.

I'm just trying to help you, yet is that how you treat me?

I... What am I?

There you go. You are nothing but a weakling.

No, don't... I am nothing, but a weakling.

You need to kill.


Now, start.

I need to kill.

I take out my knife just to find my right arm stabbing the shot arm.

My mind starts clearing and the voice gets fainter and fainter.

My vision returns to reality. Yasu is standing next to me and is looking at me with a worried face.

"I'm sorry, Yasu. I'm not strong, I'm just someone that couldn't handle the mental stress the world has given me. I promise I will become stronger."

"Jeff, I will survive and get back to you, so while you are waiting, get strong enough, so you can save me," Yasu says smiling a bright smile.

I feel the warmth radiating off her smile. Next thing I know, her lips are on mine. I don't care about the amount of blood that is on her. She melts in to my kiss and I bring her closer, but she pushes me away.

"I love you."


Quick note

The ending is close.

I Kill To Survive, You Kill For FunWhere stories live. Discover now