Chapter 4

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"Done," exclaimed Yasu once she finished preparing lunch.

She went upstairs to see the two girls still sleeping. She had treated the scratches they had and bandaged them, when she was waiting for something to boil.

"Hey, you two, wake up." Yasu said.

The two girls stirred, but didn't wake. Yasu sighed and went back downstairs. She took out the bodies and placed them in the refrigerator, so they don't rot. She looked around to see the blood that spilled out from her bag. She sighs again and gets a mop and starts cleaning.

Now, Jeff had tried to get to the portal, but he decided to go back to his old home. No matter how much he wanted to get rid of his past, it came back haunting him every time he tried.

He somewhat stealthily goes to the window to see a girl closing the refrigerator door and had blood all around her. He continues to watch her cleaning up the blood. He moves to the window that lead to the room that used to belong to his brother's. He climbs up the close by tree and peers through the window to see two girls waking up.

The first to wake up looks out the window and sees a figure in the trees. She screams, but because of how the the house was renovated, no sounds are heard outside.

Jeff quickly hides in the leaves of the tree before he is caught. Jeff is still able to see through the window while staying hidden.

Yasu hears the ear pearcing scream and runs upstairs to see what happened, although she had a guess that it had to do with the presence she felt while she was cleaning up the blood.

"What happened?" Yasu asks as soon as she got in to the room.

"T-t-there was a figure outside, b-ut not only that, it had glowing e-eyes and a h-huge smile." The girl that looked out the window stuttered out.

The other girl looks around to see Yasu covered with blood and faints. Yasu catches her head before it hits the ground.

"Hey, hey, are you alright?" Yasu asks after setting her down.

The other girl looks back to see her friend on the ground and Yasu with blood. She puts the two together and says,"She has hemophobia, so she'll wake up in a moment. You might want to change out of your bloody clothes."

"That's a good idea,"

Yasu goes into the room next door and changes into cleaner clothes and goes back into the other room.

"Just a question, but does either of you have consecotaleophobia?" Yasu asks.

"What now?"

"Nevermind, if you don't know of it then you don't have it."


"If you want something to eat, I have lunch prepared downstairs, so just come down whenever you feel like eating."

"Okay, also thank you for saving us."

"It was nothing, "

Yasu goes downstairs, puts on a mask and goes in to the backyard and goes towards the presence and says,"Hey, stop trying to hide. I know that you are there, so there's no point in hiding."

Jeff hears her and looks at her. She looks straight at him, as if she could see him, even if he is hidden so well that a normal human wouldn't be able to spot him.

"Don't even try to hide your presence now. I already know where you are. Calmly get off the tree,"

Jeff puts on his hoodie and takes out his knife. He carefully climbs down the tree.

"Now, drop your weapons,"

Jeff lunges at Yasu, ready to kill, as soon as his feet touched the ground. Yasu moves to the side, grabs arm that has the knife, twists it so that Jeff loses grip on the knife and then picks up the knife and presses it against his throat.

"You're going to get caught if you walk around in these bloody clothes."

"I know," Jeff replies.

"Come on in and I'll wash your hoodie and keep you safe from the law in my house as long as you don't cause trouble."

Jeff thinks for a moment, 'this girl is inviting a killer that almost killed her into the house, what better chance to get close and kill,'

"Okay," Jeff replies.

Yasu takes off the mask and puts it on Jeff while saying," I have guests over, so it is better if you don't show your face, for now. So keep that on."

She makes Jeff take off his hoodie . She wraps the hoodie around the knife and brings him through the back door and into the kitchen to see the two girls eating the sandwiches.

"Is the food good?" Yasu asks them.

"Yeah," they both simultaneously replies.

"After I get my friend settled in my room, I'll come back down,"


Yasu leads Jeff to what used to be his own room.

"Stay here until the girls leave. Don't you dare leave or else I'll turn you in to the cops," Yasu threatens while giving off her bloodthirsty aura.

She leaves the room without waiting for a response.

Jeff looked around the room, the room didn't have any furniture, and was free of dirt and dust. He sat down in a corner and started to nod off into sleep.

The same human from before was in my backyard. I lead him to one of the rooms and had him stay there. I wonder, is it a good idea to invite him into the house? Anyways, the two girls I saved ate lunch, thanked me several times and left.

Yasu cleaned up the dishes, using her kagune to help. Once she had finished, she went upstairs to check up on Jeff. She found him in the corner, sleeping peacefully. She brings her futon and eye mask to that room. She sets up the futon and takes off the mask on Jeff and puts on the eye mask. She then uses her kagune to put Jeff on the futon.

This person. I wonder what happened to his eyes. I should go eat. I forgot how hungry the pills made me.


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