Chapter 3

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Yasu gets to the city. She walks into an alley and puts on her mask. There were already two females and two males there when she got there. She silently blends into the shadows before any of them could see her.

One of the girls yells out,"Help," on the top of her lungs, just to get her mouth covered and get something whispered into her ear.

Yasu climbs up on to the building next to her, using her kagune and looks down to see what was going on. The girl that shouted help now had a terrified look on her face, and stayed silent.

Yasu couldn't stand being a eyewitness to something that might turn out bad, so she takes out her wing like kagune and shoot the RC cells at the two boys, killing them instantly. She immediately switches to her tentacle kagune and wraps them around the girls.

The two start screqming at the top of their lungs. She pulls out two syringes and injects the two with the liquid, knocking them out before they could attract attention.

She cuts off the heads of the two boys, splattering her in blood, and wrote on the wall with their blood, "Be nice or else," and places their heads underneath the words. She packs up the bodies in her bag and carrying the two girls with her kagune, she gets on to the roof and jumps roof from roof, until she gets to the roof of her house. She looked around to see if anyone sees her. Seeing no one, she jumps down to the back yard and goes in through the backdoor.

She takes off her mask and brings the girls to a room upstairs. She brings her futon and places the girls on it. She goes back downstairs and changed into nonbloody clothes. She put her clothes in the bathroom and went back to the living room, when she heard the doorbell ringing.

She opened the door to a man standing with a clipboard, asking her,"Are you Ms. Tachibana?"


"I'm here to deliver and install the refrigerator, washer, and dryer."

"Oh, yes come on in,"

He goes and brings back a box that he pushes into the house, he then goes back out and brings in another one, then he brings another one in.

"Where do you want the washer and dryer set up?" He asks.

She takes him to the laundry room upstairs.

He gives an okay and goes downstairs to get the washer and dryer. Once he had the two upstairs, Yasu, using her kagune, brings the refrigerator box to the kitchen and sets it up.

After she finished, she wait until the man was finished with the set up, which took only 30 minutes after the washer and dryer were up on the second story.

"I need you to sign here," the man says pointing to a line on the paper, after he had finished setting the washer and dryer up. You sign the paper. He says,"Have a good day." and goes out the door.

I need to go and get supplies to make make more pills, and the sleeping serum.

Yasu goes out to a supermarket and gets some ingredients. She then goes to a cooking supply store and buys a pot, pan, mixing bowl, mixer, 40 containers, a 4 person complete dinner set, and some other cooking utensils. She then returns home.

She eats a pill that was labeled food taste pill. That pill allowed her to taste how food tastes like to humans for about an hour and a half.

She starts to cook.

--------We now are going to see what Jeff is doing--------

Jeff waits for almost half the day for someone to walk through the alley he was at, but no one did, so he goes in to a house that had people in it.

He silently opens a window that looks relatively new and slips into the one story house, he looks around to find himself in a bedroom. He checks all of the doors to make sure there isn't anyone in the room. Finding no one, he closes the window and goes out in to the hallway, locking the door behind him to block off the exits.

He hears voices to the left so he goes to the right and checks for people and blocks all of the exits. He goes back to the left to see a room with two voices talking behind it. He turn left at the end of the hallway to get to the living room. He sees no one there, but even then, he silently walks to the door and locks it. He goes around the house again skipping that one door and quickly and quietly checks to see if all of the exits were blocked.

He waits for them in the living room, hidden in the shadows. In a few minutes, a person comes into the living room.

She says,"Tony, did you move the couch again?"

"Yeah, it's more comfortable to watch TV at that angle." A masculine voice says.

Jeff silently walks behind the woman and blocks her mouth, using his hand to keep her from screaming. He whispers,"Go to sleep." into the woman's ear while plunging his knife into her chest with his other hand.

Blood sprays out of the wound, splattering a bit on to Jeff's white hoodie. The woman goes limp in his arm, as her heart stops beating.

Jeff sets the woman down and goes quietly sneaks into the room to kill the other person.

"Andrea? Why aren't you answering me? Andrea, honey? Is something wrong?" The man in the room panics and heads for the door.

Sadly, Jeff appears in front of him, stabbing the man's heart. Blood splatters everywhere, covering Jeff in blood. As the man's eye starts to lose life, Jeff tells him,"Go to sleep," and the man's eyes completely lost it life and his heart stopped, taking the man's soul to a different place.

Jeff starts carving a smile into the lifeless body of the man. Once he finished, he went to the woman and carved her a smile, too.

He took the blood of the victims and painted the wall with it. He also wrote,"Hahaha" and "GoToSLEEP," onto the walls.

He goes outside to see the sun shining at its brightest.

'Shoot, people are going to notice me. What was I thinking, killing in mid-day!?' Jeff thought.

He reluctantly takes off his hoodie to reveal the gray T-shirt he was wearing underneath. He goes outside and hides in the shadows and moves to the portal, slowly and carefully.

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