Chapter 17

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Aiden's PoV

Great, not only have I been woken up in the middle of the night, Yasu is in trouble and we follow Erik to see him go into a building. Then I find out that Erik is actually someone called Oto and is an undercover agent for something. Which leads to seeing Yasu and Jeff run it to the building Oto went into.

"You understand everything?" Ricky asked me.

"Yeah, so should we follow them in?"

"I don't know,"

"We should at least get closer."

"Ok, fine."

We both casually walk up to the side of the side of the building.

I spot cameras so I get closer to Ricky and get close to his cheek while whispering,"Cameras, follow along."

I kiss him on his cheek and he looks shocked.

I take a step back and say,"I'm sorry, but I-I r-really like you."

Ricky smiles and says,"I like you, too." And kisses me on my cheek.

I hug him and he hugs back. I'm just glad we did something like this before to get me away from this one girl that was following me around.

He is about to say something when someone in the building shouts out,"YOU DUCKING SHITTY BITCHES, I WILL KILL YOU ALL. YASU, JUST WAIT, I'LL ESCAPE AND THEN SAVE YOU!"

I look at Ricky and he nods to tell me he heard it too. We walk calmly holding hands around the building to see black vans with the letters CCG painted on the side coming up the road. We just continue walking across the street to the closest shadow we could hide in.

3rd PoV

Aiden and Ricky watches the people getting off the vans with guns and two people with a silver suitcase. They are all heavily armored.

A white van comes up next to the two people with silver suitcases. Ten people come off that van wearing lab coats. They start taking out some kind of restriction devices and a head clamp. The people with guns march into the buidingto find Yasu behind bars and a serial killer cuffed to the wall. They put down the guns as Erik walks up to Yasu.

"Erik?!"Yasu says in confusion.

"I can't believe I was tricked into thinking that you were actually human, but I finally saw through your scheme. I am not Erik. My name is Ken Oto." Erik or Oto says.

"Phhff, your name is sound?" Yasu says bursting out in laughter.

Oto gets close up to Yasu and says,"You're not in the position to laugh. Calmly turn yourself in and we won't harm him," pointing to Jeff.

"I-I don't care whether you hurt him or not. It's not my fault he followed me here, plus, isn't it against your rules to harm humans?"

"So, you're trying to save him. There are plenty of people around here that will be willing to kill him and isn't part of the CCG."

"I r-really don't care,"

"Oh really?" He motions a person to shoot him.

With a lound bang, the gun goes off. The bullet hits him on the leg and Jeff cries out in pain. Yasu bites her lips to prevent herself from crying.

"Still not breaking? Another shot," he says and the gun goes off again, this time hitting Jeff on the left arm.

Jeff cries out in pain again and Yasu breaks and cries out,"I'll turn myself in as long as you agree to my conditions."

Jeff whispers,"No," but no one hears him.

"And what are those conditions?" Oto asks loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Let me spend 3 hours alone with him and give me a first aid kit and after that, let him go. Please,"Yasu says about to cry.

"Ok, but any funny business and he's dead." Oto stands up and continues,"Let him down, start going out, someone give me a first aid kit."

Jeff is let down and he just stands there not wanting to believe what is happening.

While all of that was happening, Ricky and Aiden asked the people that were outside questions and were told to go away.

Ricky and Aiden both knew what really was happening, so they snuck into one of the vans to find some armor and guns. They both wore the armor and took the guns and followed the few remain people into the building. They heard the gun shots and then Yasu saying something.

After hearing Oto say,"And what are those conditions?" they both waited for a little longer just to be pushed back outside.

Aiden asks someone around him,"What's going on?"

The someone replied,"She gave up as long as we gave her three hours alone with him and a first aid kit along with letting him go."

Ricky and Aiden goes outside and sneaks around the building. They get out of the uniforms and nicely folded and placed it stacked on the floor.

They take the guns and find an open window which they go in through to find themselves in a room with computer monitors that showed the security cameras around the building.

"Look, there's Yasu and Jeff." Ricky says pointing to a box.

"Hey, you two shouldn't be in here."someone says.

Aiden quickly knocks him out and says,"Try to find the ones for the lobby floor and find a map for it. I'll keep watch."

Ricky nods and gets straight into work.

The final soldier went out of the room and two are placed at watch in front of the door.

Yasu and Jeff are finally alone in that room. Yasu is free from the cage and Jeff just stood there, not wanting to believe that his love just turned herself in.

Yasu takes the first aid kit and walks over to Jeff.

"Why?" Jeff asks.

"Because I love you."

"But I'm-,"

"It doesn't matter what you did in the past as long as you change in the future. Will you allow me to treat your wounds?"

Jeff brings her into a one armed hug while blood continuously dripped and made a puddle around him on the floor.

"I will save you, no matter what happens."

"But I killed many innocents."

"You are telling me that?"

"At least you can change for the better in the future. I can't. I have to keep killing to survive." Yasu says.

Jeff puts his forehead on her shoulder and slumps down. Yasu catches him and set him down away from the puddle of blood. She starts treating his wounds. Both of them weren't fatal and the bullets weren't too hard to take out.

Ricky sees all of that happening and starts sniffling. Aiden goes up to Ricky and starts comforting him.


Quick note, I have nothing for or against gays and lesbians or any other preferances or sexualities. Because in the end, we are all humans, made up with the same kind of compounds.

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