Chapter 10

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Jeff's PoV

It's already been over 5 hours of searching for Ben and Jack is still not back. I hope he didn't run into any trouble. Well, continuing the search for Ben.

Jack's PoV

I've gotten to the next hideout. I walked through the door to smell the scent and hear the voice of Zero.

The girl that doesn't know what clean and precise means. In fact, she does worse at keeping clean than Jeff does, during a kill. She is brutal with her kills. She tears them apart and then calls it art. I DUCKING DO NOT CONSIDER RIPPED OFF PORTIONS OF THE HUMAN BODY, ART! Art is the human body in its entirety. Being able to go through and get organs without damaging the surface.

I should walk away.

"Hey, Jack," that voice, duck, he's here too?

"Hey, Symmetry."

"Want to come in?"

"No thanks," I start going back to the previous hideout.


"Bye, don't tell anyone I was here."


I run through the portal and run to the previous hideout.

Ben's PoV

I'm starting to lose feeling in my legs and arms. Someone better come fast or else I'm not going to be able to walk around properly for the next week.

Jeff's PoV

Where the duck did Jack put Ben?

I give up after another hour or two of searching and I go out to figure out what Jack meant by girlfriend.

I walk out the portal to see Jack running in an inhuman speed towards the portal and towards where I am. He grabs my hoodie, once he reached me, and dragged me back into the portal, all the way back into the house.

"Hey Jack, what was that for?" I angrily shouted at him.

Jack ignores me and goes to the TV and moves it to reveal a door. He opens the door to a sleeping Ben. Jack picks up Ben and places him on the sofa and then closed the door and puts the TV back into place.

"Since when was that there?" I say perplexed.

"Since the foundation of this house,"

I get out of the confusion and ask him, "Jack, what did you mean by girlfriend? Last time I checked, I didn't have one."

"Her name is Yasu. I don't know about her last name, though."

Yasu. Yasu. I feel as if I heard that name before. Where have I heard that name before?

"Jeff, are you okay?"

I snap out of my thinking gaze,"Did you say something?"

"No," Jack heads towards the stairs," I'm going to be sleeping," and Jack goes up the stairs.

I go up to my room to try and piece together the information I have.

~time skip of 6 months~

Jeff's PoV

"Go to sleep," I whisper into the ear of my final victim in this house.

I place the body down when I see blue and red lights flashing through the window. I run to the back window, open it and jump out in to the cold, dark night as quickly as I could. I run through the neighbor's yard and run to the street.

"The culprit is running north, going through other yards and is now heading north on Centaur Ave."

I run down the street as quickly as I can and I find a small space in between the house to turn to. I quickly make a turn and scale up the walls, up onto the roof. I jump from roof to roof, until I get to the end of the community. At that point, I stay on the roof until I hear the police going to the southern part of the community.

I jump down and find a bus stop that had a bus waiting there. I climb up on top of the bus and found a way to secure myself onto the top of the bus. The bus started moving and I just held on tight and remembered why I can't go to a hideout.

It was about 5 months ago, ducking Jane came in one day and I just fought back. We ended up destroying the hideout and nearly killed everyone else in the building. Slender heard about it and banned both Jane and me from the all of the hideouts for an entire year.

The bus starts going to a freeway. I feel the wind blowing against me and threatened to push me off, but I hold on tight to the bus. I feel a sudden pain in my head. I'm having another memory relapse. Oh, why now?

My vision darkens and a lost memory starts playing in my head.

I am looking down at a girl. She's looking down and crying. The same girl from my other relapses. I go down and hug her, but I can't see her face. I don't know what I'm saying, but I'm saying something.

After a while, she pulls away and faces me. Her face is covered by a shadow, but tears are falling from her face. I grab her shoulders and hear myself saying,"I really do love you, Yasu,"

The memory ends and I am able to see again. This is the first time I have seen this one.

So what Jack told me about a girlfriend is true then. This is my confession. My heart feels warm and I feel tingly inside.

Why can't I remember these in the first place? Why did I forget it? How does that fit into all of the other memories I've seen? Will I ever get my memory back?

I hang on tighter to the bus as it speeds up.

Better question, where is this bus going?

Yasu's PoV

It's September and I am now 16 and a half. I grab my backpack and head out of the building.

I open the door to feel the September wind blow my now mid back long hair around. I quickly go outside and close the door. Shivering because of the sudden wind, I head to a bus stop to go to school.

I've been going to school since August, because of Jake.

I remember my first reaction when he called me to his office and told me,"You're going to school,"

My surprised face made him laugh and then when I protested, he laughed even harder. I eventually gave in, and I'm glad I did.

I hear a bus horn and when I look up, I see the bus. I get on to the bus and the bus driver tells me,"Daydreaming again?"

"Yes," I sheepishly say, while putting in my money.

I go to the seats and find the bus empty, which is quite normal, however, I feel a presence of another person other than the driver and me on the bus. I ignore it and go to an empty seat and sit down.

Jeff's PoV

I woke up to the birds singing and the gentle sun gentle shining onto my face, or I wish I woke up like that. In reality, I woke up to a very loud and obnoxious bus beeping and the sun burning my face. I look over to see that I'm at a bus stop. I jump off the bus and head down the streets.


I Kill To Survive, You Kill For FunWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt