Chapter 13

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3rd person PoV

Yasu, as surprised as she was when she saw Jeff, diverts her attention to her three friends in coffins. Yasu goes up to the coffins and punches the glass. She shatters the glass and blood starts dripping down her arm. She moves on to the next one and the next and shatters them. She pulls the masks off of them and puts on her mask. She takes out her kagunes and picks her unconscious friends carefully and securely up.

She pierces the hearts of everyone that attacked her and she faces Jeff.

She takes out a syringe that unblocks the memories from before and goes towards him. Jeff stands his ground and slowly reaches for his knife. Yasu notices this and quickly immobilizes him using her kagune.

Yasu is next to Jeff's ear and whispers,"To return to you, what I have taken," she positions the syringe at his neck,"I have to inject you with this serum,"

Yasu punctures his neck,"It won't take long, It's like clicking a pen," she slowly injects him with the fluid,"But I only care about the outcome," she pulls out the syringe and goes back, releasing Jeff,"This results in a lot of mental pain,"

Jeff starts to feel a sharp jab in his head,"I am sorry, but it has to be done,"

Jeff grabs his hair and tries not to cry out in pain,"I don't know if it'll help, but think of rain,"

Jeff drops to his knees and cries out a bit,"The pain will be gone in a bit, then run," the pain slowly disappears from Jeff's head.

He slowly looks up and recognizes Yasu. "Jeff, hurry and get up, we have no time," Jeff gets up and opens his mouth, but Yasu interrupts him," Let us get out of here Jeffery Woods,"

Yasu grabs Jeff's arm and runs to the door while saying,"If only I didn't spend time to rhyme,"

They run out the door and Yasu leads them to a building that could be easily scaled,"We have to go up and put on our hoods,"

Yasu jumps up on top of the building carefully, without further injuring her friends,"I remember the time we have first met,"

Jeff climbs up after her,"I was thinking of food and a sonnet,"

Jeff finally sorts out his memory and says,"Why did you do it?"

Yasu wraps her kagune around Jeff and jumps, or swings building to building,"I couldn't bear to see you get hurt, but now I'm confident that I can protect those around me that I care for."

"It's been a long time, Yasu."

"No talking, for now. We'll talk when we get to my place."

Yasu continues to jump and swing until she got to the gang building. She jumps to the front door and takes off her mask. She then places her mask on Jeff and releases him.

"No talking until we get to my room."

Jeff nods and Yasu opens the door. She motions Jeff to go in and follows him in afterwards.

She goes to the infirmary and asks the doctor, Rosaline, if she could give Ricky, Aiden and Erik a check up. Rosaline is just a doctor that helps the gang but she isn't part of it.

Yasu leaves the infirmary and leads Jeff to her room.

Yasu's PoV

Jeff. That is all I can think about as I lead him to my room. I unlock the door and go into the room, closing the door and locking it from everyone once Jeff came in. I put my finger to my lips and I went to the computer.

"Cynth, tell Jake, I have brought 4 guests. All of them are close friends. 3 of them were attacked by a group called Nafer, and one of them followed them. The three that were attacked are now in the infirmary and one of them is in my room. End message."

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