Chapter 19

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Jeff's PoV

"I love you," Yasu says.

She runs to the room leaving me in the lobby with blood all around me. I don't know what to do. Someone pulls me into a room on the side, but I am not able to do anything. I'm frozen, just standing not being able to understand what is going on around me.

3rd PoV

Aiden pulls Jeff into the camera room with Ricky close behind. Yasu comes out of the big room and tries to get into the camera room, but at that time Oto comes in through the door to ask the guards for the report.

Ricky grabs a gun from one if the gaurds and shoots Oto before he could do anything. Yasu runs to the camera room and helps Aiden get Jeff out the window. Ricky quicky follows and Yasu jumped through.

"Ricky, Aiden. Please take care of him. Also, once you get to my house, in one of my drawers are letters. There are instructions on what to do with them on it." Yasu quickly says.

"But Yasu," Ricky says.

"I'm sorry you guys, but I have to do this. I love you all." Yasu says.

She runs to the front of the building before they could say anything else. Ricky and Aiden quickly leads Jeff away from there and to the Blaze gang's base.

Yasu's PoV

I don't want to leave them, but I don't regret my choice.

I run up to the black vans and say,"I'm over here."

They all come towards me and I jump over them while shooting out pieces of my ukaku. Some of them die and most of them are injured. I use my rinkaku to try and kill the rest. I use one of them to peirce through the people's bodies as I jump and dodge their attacks and bullets. Blood splatters all over me as I pierce through them and lift them up and then throw them towards the building. Some of them, I grab them and throw them up into the air.  The people's blood all mingle together and run down the builing and the street. I kept on throwing them up after I had peirced them and blood starts to rain down on us. I contine to kill as the dead bodies pile up around me.

Someone tries to attack me from behind, but I run up the building and leap off one of the falling bodies. I land on my feet and use my hand to stabalize myself. That person swings their quinque at me, so I jump back, only to be hit by another quinque. I'm hit back to the other quinque holder. As he swings, I peirce him through the stomach.

"Tim!" The other quinque holder runs towards his fallen partner.

Tim says something that I couldn't hear. I take out a knife and throw it to the only standing quinque holder.

Tim shouts,"Watch out, Charles!"

The standing quinque holder deflects my knife and straightens up.

Tim says something else and then goes limp. Charles comes walking towards me with hatred in his eye.

"You ducking damn ghoul, I will personally see to your capture and death." Charles says.

He runs to me swinging his bat like quinque and hits me. I get up just to be hit agian. I fly into a building. I try getting down, but instead I am hit upwards. I start falling downwards when I am hit downwards meeting the ground with more force and speed than expected. I cough to get the dust out of my throat, red specks comes out of my mouth. Charles attacks me again, but this time I block it. I push myself fowards to attack him as he is preparing to swing at me. As my rinkaku goes through him, his quinque connects with my side and launches me into a cage. The cage door locks into place and I just sit down.

"Marble mask has been captured. We have 58 casualties and 16 survivors. We are now going to transport it to the lab." Someone says.

Someone moves me into a van. I am placed inside a glass cage area with guards on the outside of it. The van, starts up and it moves. I rest my head on the bars behind me and close my eyes. There isn't any sound, not even the sound of the van moving. I am assuming the glass is bullet proof and soundproof.

Silence is all I hear and I am alone once again. Only this time, I have people that I need to protect and people that I have protected. This time, I have people that I killed, people I met. This time, I felt friendship and love.

I may be alone physically but not mentally. I have the voices of all those people I've met, killed, those that made me laugh, and most of all my friends and Jeff.

As I took out this journal, one of the guards looked at me, but I ignored him or her. I already miss my friends, but I'm glad they are safe and not with me.

Something fell onto the page I was writing on. I wipe my eyes to feel tears coming out of them.

Is this where it ends? Everything that I worked to get to this point, is it all worthless? After I was close to reversing the effect of not being able to eat normal human food? After being able to live a normal life and going to school, it this where it is going to end? After meeting human friends and becoming close to them, is this where it is going to end?

My arm band starts blinking and says,"Playing message in case of capture,' Hey future Yasu, don't lose hope. There is still a chance you may survive. You aren't whom you used to be. Remember all of those mistakes you made. That is what prepares you for the future. Well, that's all I have for you. Bye for now.' End of message"

There is silence again, but this time I am determined to survive what is to come.


Quick note

The end is almost here.

I Kill To Survive, You Kill For FunUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum