Chapter 5

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Right now, it has been 7 hours since Jeff has left the house.

Yasu finished eating the body of one of the humans. When she was full, she cleaned up her eating area and went outside.

Yasu goes to the library and signs up for a library card. She checks out 5 books and returns home.

Once she returns to her quiet home, she reads her book until 8:00 when she started to get really sleepy. She bookmarks her place and goes upstairs. Seeing how she only had one futon, she went into the room Jeff was in and lies down in the space on the futon, next to Jeff and falls asleep.


"Hey Jack, did Jeff come home yet?" Ben shouts to Eyeless Jack.

"No, at least I don't think so."

"This is bad, he's been out for more than half a day."

"Don't worry about it, he's been out for longer. Remember? "

"Uh, yeah, I remember. He was out for like a week and had me worried sick."

"Too bad you really didn't get sick," Jack mumbles under his breath.

"Did you say something, Jack?"

"Yeah, I did. Do you want to fight?"

"JEFFERY WOODS, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Someone yells while breaking in through the door, hitting Ben with one of the door pieces.

Jack hears the voice and runs down stairs. Ben is on the floor with a bump on head and Jane is looking around with psychotic smile.

"Hey Jane." Jack says to Jane

"Oh, hi Jack," Jane replies, innocently and sweetly.

"Jeff isn't here."

"Oh," Jane runs out the place where there used to be a door, stepping on Ben in the process,"JEFFERY WOODS, I WILL DUCKING KILL YOU!"

Jane goes running to the next Creepypasta hideout to find Jeff.

"I'm just going to go out now," Jack slowly says while inching to the door.

"Oh no you're not," Ben says with an evil and angry and dark aura coming off of him, while grabbing onto Jack's wrist.

"Oh, shit,"


~time skip to when Jeff wakes up becuase who would want to read 4 paragraphs on someone sleeping~

Jeff wakes up and takes off the eye mask. The first thing he sees is Yasu sleeping peacefully next to him. He sits up and looks around the room. The sunlight is pouring through the window, but it isn't bright like the afternoon sun. It is the slightly softer sun of the early morning.

Yasu wakes up become of the movements Jeff was making, however, she stays laying down and pretends to still be asleep. Jeff looks over to see Yasu still sleeping and his knife right next to him. Jeff silently grabs the knife and moves towards Yasu to stab her. He moves so that he is looking over her, he brings up is knife and plunges it down to her chest.

Yasu felt the air shifting behind, so she opens her eye to see a knife coming down towards her chest. She grabs the hand that is holding the knife and stops it before it hit her.

She sits up and releases her hold on the knife and says,"Good morning," while yawning and stretching.

Jeff just sits there with a face that says what just happened.

"Oh, sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I. Well, my name is Yasu Tachibana," she grabs Jeff's right hand, despite having a knife in that hand, and shakes it,"It's nice to meet you,"

Jeff gets somewhat out of shock and drops his knife and shakes her hand while saying,"Hello Yasu, my name is Jeffery Woods, but just call me Jeff. It's nice to meet you too."

"Let's go have breakfast," Yasu says while getting up and bring Jeff up with her.

Jeff replies with a simple,"Ok," because he was still in a bit of a daze.

Yasu drags Jeff downstairs to the kitchen.

"You can sit down while I make pancakes," Yasu starts the pancake batter and puts a kettle with water on the stove.

Jeff snaps out of his daze,"Wait, what?"

"I'm going to be making pancakes, unless you don't like them."

"What kind of person are you? You're inviting someone that tried to kill you to breakfast!"

"Eh, don't worry about that, I'm used to it. Any how, what good does it do to something wrong because someone else did something wrong. You can't make a right with two lefts, or was it two wrongs? Well either way, you need to do something right or the world will become a very bad place."

"How are you used to it? It's not like you have people after you that wants to kill you."

"Actually, I had an entire organization after me because I stole some of their supplies and money to get here. Not to mention I had to kill to survive. So I'm bound to have people after me."

"What kind of place were you living at before this?"

"A place where someone like me doesn't have a home, we are all hunted down and killed, our body parts used as weapon by the government."

"Wow, tough childhood."

"Yeah," She puts a plate with 3 pancakes on it and a knife and fork in front of Jeff, along with syrup.

"This looks good," Jeff takes a bite,"It's really good,"

Jeff continues to eat while Yasu makes coffee.

"Do you want some coffee?"

"No, thanks,"


Yasu pours herself a cup of coffee and sits in front of Jeff, drinking coffee.

After Jeff finishes 1 and a half pancakes, he notices that Yasu has been drinking coffee the entire time, so he asks,"Aren't you going to eat?"

"I don't eat breakfast," Yasu replies, but the thought of food already triggered her stomach, so it rumbles.

"It seems like your stomach says otherwise,"

Yasu sighs and grabs a kitchen knife and a plate. She opens the refrigerator door just enough to reach in and cut off a slice of meat from the person. She places the slice onto the plate and grabs a pair of chopsticks. She closed the refrigerator door and sat down in front of Jeff once more only this time with the plate and chopsticks and human flesh.

Jeff starts sniffing the air and says,"I smell blood," he looks around and sees Yasu's plate,"Shouldn't you cook that first?"

"What, this? Are you crazy? This is not something you cook."

"So you eat it raw?"

"I just totally cooked it on a plate," Yasu sarcastically says.

"You're weird."

"You're saying that as if you're not weird at all. FYI, you're the weirdest person here."

This human really is interesting. I really enjoy talking to him. He may look scary and most of the time is a bit psycho, he still has a sweet, caring, nice, loving, and normal side of him.


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