Chapter 9

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Yasu's PoV

I go up to the desk, when all of the sudden the monitor lights up and a message is written on the screen.

Welcome home Taya.
Tap here for a tour of the room
Tap here for a tutorial on how to use your arm band
Tap here for a tutorial on how to use this computer and other technology in this building

I tap on the tutorial on my arm band.

Welcome to the Arm Band tutorial.
Your arm band is a mini computer on your arm.
This computer and your arm band is always in sync
Your arm band is able to survive fire, it is waterproof, survive a fall from a 10 story building, and stand the pressure of a truck going over it.
It has some main functions,
It serves as a communicator between every member.
It serves as a heart rate monitor.
You are not able to take it off without the consent of the leader with one exception. That one exception is when you die, your arm band will self destruct if not collected by another member of the group in 4 hours.
To turn your arm band on, tap the top twice.
To put it on standby, cover up the top of the arm band for 6 seconds.
Your arm band is solar powered and can be charged with an outlet or a Bluetooth charger.
Any other questions, look at the faq's to answer them.

Tap here to go back to the tutorial menu
Tap here to continue on using the desktop

I tap on go back to tutorial menu then on the tutorial menu, I tap on tutorial on how to use this computer and other technology in this building.

This computer is your own computer, however, the leader and the moderators can and will look through your computer files.
This building has the best security program in this city.
The building itself is almost unbreakable and is very hard to get into.
Other information on the building's security system are classified.
To get into this building, you will have to unlock the front door using your arm band.
Any other questions, look at the faq's section.

Tap here to go back to the tutorial menu
Tap here to continue on using the desktop

I tap on continue on using the desktop. Then leave my desk to explore the building a but more.

Jeff's PoV

I lie down on my bed, and I pull out the knife.

"Hey, Jeff!" Ben yells through the door," Jeff are you there?" Ben starts banging on the door.

"Shut the duck up, Ben!" I yell back at Ben, getting more annoyed every second.

"Sorry for waking you up,"


"Nevermind, I'll ask you later."


"I'm sorry, geez. Chillax. I'll ask you when you calm down."

I hear Ben's footsteps leaving the door and I go back to examining the knife. The knife looks new and the blade is sharper than my sharpest knife, which is an accomplishment. The blade itself looks fragile. I wonder why she gave me something like this? I put away the knife and get off from my bed. For how long was I knocked out for? Why can't I remember anything? Why do I feel as if something big is going to happen soon?

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