Chapter 6

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Yasu finished her breakfast and after putting the dishes in the sink, she went to do laundry, while Jeff offered to do the dishes.

"Don't break any dishes," Yasu calls out.

"How old do you think I am?"

"For these kinds of things, age doesn't matter. Your maturity does."

"Just shut up,"

Yasu goes silent and starts the washer machine.

I shouldn't get attached to this human, but he is really different from all of the others I met.

Jeff mumbles,"First Ben, then Jack, and now her," to himself and continues,"they all think I'm an idiot. I've outsmarted the police several times, survived by myself for a week, and they still think of me as an idiotic child. I'm 18 for ducking sake."

"Hey Jeff,"


"No need to yell, but just letting you known I'm going to be upstairs reading. Call me when you need something,"

Yasu goes upstairs leaving Jeff to his mumbling self.

Jeff's Point Of View
Because why not

I wonder what Yasu was eating for breakfast?  It doesn't seem like any kind of food I've seen.

I walk to the refrigerator and open the door. I am met with the sight of a lifeless and headless body of a human and the overwhelming scent of blood. The inside walls of the refrigerator splattered with blood.

She's a cannibal, like Jack?! Is this the reason why there was blood on the floor earlier today? Is she like Jack? Or is she an alien? I'm so confused. Can she eat normal food?

I shake my head and close the door. I walk to the dishes and put them away. I walked upstairs to find Yasu in the room that used to be mine. She is laying on her stomach, so focused on reading that she doesn't realize I came in.

Her personality, the way she giggles when she reads something funny, her figure, is making my heart and head feel weird. Not the weird as in a bad way either, in a good way. Is this what they call love? No, no, no, it can't be, I just met her. But she invited a killer for breakfast, not only that slept next to me. Should I ask Ben what is going on? No, he'll laugh and tease me about it.

"Hey Jeff, are you okay?" Yasu's melodic voice broke my train of thoughts.


"Do you want to talk about it?"


"You don't have to if you don't want to."

Yasu's sweet face makes it impossible to say no, so I blurt out,"What are you doing to me? You're making my head and heart feel weirdly good and makes it impossible for me to think correctly around you."

Yasu's laughs,"That's called love, my dear Jeff,"

"Love," a word I've only heard of and had to guess what it felt like in the past. I've now experienced it.

"Yes, love,"

"What exactly is love?"

"The overwhelming need to help a certain person, no matter what the circumstance. The want to have them, and keep that person safe. At least, that's my definition."

So this is love.

Do I want to protect her?


Do I want help her?


Do I want to stay with her?

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