Chapter 12

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Yaus's PoV

It's been over 5 minutes, and by now, they should've came here.

"Hey Aiden, don't you think something is wrong?"

"Yeah, let's go and find them,"

"You check the front half, I'll check the back half."

"and we'll meet back here in 10 minutes,"

I nod and run off to search.

Jeff's PoV

I've been walking down this road for quite a while, now. There are some people, but they are all preoccupied with something else.

I walk down the street for another minute to hear an alarm like thing going off.

"Hey, stranger. You might want to go into a building right now." an old man tells me and shuts his door.

All of the windows closes and the shade comes down. You could hear the locks all clicking at the same time. I feel as if something bad is going to happen, so I find a small alley, where I could see the street and still be hidden.

I hear people running.

"Hold it right there,"someone shouts.

Gunshots ring out and I hear people yelling and shouting in pain.

"Hey, you guys, stop where you are. Move one bit and you have to face up against me." A voice calls out. After a pause, the voice starts again," drop all of your weapons," the sounds of metal clattering on the ground are heard. "Now, get lost." Feet patter on the ground and soon disappear.

I look out in to the streets to see a group of people standing behind a pile of weapons, and several people on the ground. I go back to hiding.

"Send the cleanup crew #4 and the medical group #2, to my location."

I stay hidden for two hours until a unlocking click is sounded throughout the city, unlocking the doors. People comes out from the buildings and resumes their normal activities.

I head out on mapping the city and exploring.

3rd person PoV

Yasu searches the entire school and returns in ten minutes. Aiden comes running towards Yasu saying,"Did you find them?"

Yasu shakes her head and the bell rings, they both head to class.

~time skip to lunch~

Yasu gets out of her class, that she had with Erik, but he wasn't there. She goes out to meet up with Aiden, just to remember about the club meeting she had to go to. She heads to the club meeting which was held up until the end of lunch.

~time skip to the end of school~

The bell rings and Yasu gets her backpack and heads towards the door when she was stopped by one of her classmates.

"Hey, you're Yasu, right?"

Yasu nods.

"Here," she hands Yasu and envelope,"I was told to give this to you."

She leaves the class. Yasu goes out of class she walks out of the building to the exit gate. She waits by the gate and opens the envelope. She sees a messily written note that read:

We have taken your friends.
To get them back alive, go to 32552 3rd street and enter there.
We cannot guarantee that we will not harm your friends, however, we can guarantee their life until 5:00.

Yasu reads it, crumple it in her hand and runs to the address.

Jeff is at the building trying to find a way, other than the door, to get into the building.

The reason why he is doing this is because he saw a man take a person, that looked as if he had fought, into the building. For some reason, he felt a nagging pull in his gut, to stay and watch. That brings us to what he is doing now.

Yasu runs to the bus stop and sees a bus driving up to the bus stop. She quickly gets in and pays. She nervously looks around to see several people on the bus. Mostly students, she blended right in. As soon as the bus stopped at the stop she needed to get off at, she bolted out and ran to the building on the paper. She opens the door and calmly walks in.

Jeff found a loose window, that was big enough for him to fit through, and he got in.

What Yasu sees when she gets in, is all her friends, knocked unconscious, dressed in matching suits, with a breathing mask, and in coffins with glass covers.

"So, how do you like the sight of your friends?" A voice from the ceiling said.

"It's out of the ordinary, but it could do with more creativity."

The voice laughs a coarse laugh and says,"you have unmatched humor, however, with your combat skills, it is a different story,"

Around 100 people comes out from the doors, hallways, underneath tables and even the ceiling and starts attacking Yasu.

Yasu quickly defends herself and starts beating them up, without the use of her kagunes. After she had defeated a fourth of the people, they remaining people took out weapons and goes after Yasu. In response, Yasu takes out her knife and starts fighting. Blocking, dodging, pulling, jumping, pushing, shoving, and attacking she goes until there are only 5 people left.

Those five people took out pistols and aimed it at Yasu. Before they could shoot, however, Yasu has already killed them. A knife to the throat was all it took.

While Yasu was fighting, Jeff was finding his way out of the room he ended up in. Which was also known as the closet. It isn't't your normal broom closet, it is a huge storage closet with several shelves and paths, just like a maze; maybe even better than one. Jeff finds the door out into a hallway after a while and he goes out. As he steps out into the hallway, he hears the sound of fighting and people crying out in pain. He heads towards the sound and is lead to a large room with the girl named Yasu in the center of a ring of five people. Those five people had guns in their hands, but also had a knife sticking out from their necks. They slump down to leave Yasu the only one standing.

Yasu looks around to see if anyone else is coming for her and sees Jeff. She makes eye contact with him and surprise is written all over her face.


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