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"break me again," she said softly because she knew he was addicted to broken things

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"break me again," she said softly because she knew he was addicted to broken things.
{R.M. Drake}


"YOU KNOW, YOU'RE going to have to talk to him soon." Johnny spoke as we walked to school together.

It's been a week since I've spoken to Ponyboy, and I've been miserable. The only people I've been talking to were Eagan, Johnny, Soda, and Steve. I always come to Darry for the chocolate cake and I never get to see Two-Bit since he's always out drunk. And Dally has been doing the same thing as Two, so those four were the only ones that kept me company.

Ponyboy's been walking with Cherry to school, so it's been me and Johnny, which I don't mind. I think I'd punch Pony if I saw him. I scoffed. "Johnny, just face the fact that I'm not going to talk to him."

Johnny huffed. "You two are my best friends and I'm stuck between the both of you. It's driving me nuts."

"I'm sorry, Jo. I really am, but you just don't know what it feels like for someone you love to chose someone else over you."

The whole walk to school was silent and as soon as we walked in the school, we saw Pony and Cherry kissing against the lockers.

"Wow, Cherry, I didn't know kissing was sucking the life out of Pony's lips

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"Wow, Cherry, I didn't know kissing was sucking the life out of Pony's lips." I sassed and Johnny started cracking up. Cherry shot me a glare, "and what would you know about kissing, Smith? You've never kissed a guy in your life."

"I haven't, but I know the definition of a kiss is putting your lips against someone elses. Not literally sucking their face off."

Johnny and even Soc's were laughing and Cherry's face got red. She got close up to my face and snarled, "you're going to regret this!"

Pony rolled his eyes at me and I chuckled. "Instead of rolling your eyes at me, you should be thanking me. I saved you from getting your lips took off your face."

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