"Surprise her"

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|Calum's POV| 

"I'll go answer it" I said squeezing Chloe's hand before leaving for the front door. It could have been anyone at the door, but I sure as hell knew it was Michael. 

I opened the door and in a split second I was pulled outside roughly. I looked up to see an emotionless Michael closing the door. 

"Look mate, if you're here to beat the shit out of me to relive your anger, I'm sorry but I-" 

"She's in there isn't she" Michael said still in his emotionless expression. All I did was nod my head. 

"She really does like you Calum- love even. As much as it hurts me, you're going to take her far away and we'll never see the two of you again and I-"

"Woah woah woah, calm down Mike, yeah I love your sister, I want to grow old with her possibly have kids. This doesn't mean we're leaving mate. We're all family here, always have been." I said trying to calm my best friend down. "We've been together through a lot of shit Michael, this being one of them but-" 

"But we always seem to get through it in the end and have a good ole laugh." he said smiling. "I really needed to hear that Cal" he said. 

"Awh come here buddy" I said grabbing him slightly and pulling him into a hug. 

"I approve Calum" he said now looking at me dead in the eye for the first time in a long time. 

"Approve?" I asked, was there something to approve? The hug?

"It's your life and Chloe's life. There is no Michael in any of those words. It wasn't any of my business to try and break you up, or try to keep my sister away from guy... I was just trying to be a good brother. Protect her from the heartbreaks" he said looking down at his hands. 

"So, we can actually like have PDA in front of you?" I asked amusingly and Michael chuckled a little. 

"We should surprise her." he said completely changing the subject. I didn't mind though. I was a little curious as to what he meant by 'Surprise her'. Obviously her was Chloe, but surprising a Clifford is harder than it seems. 

We discussed a plan for about 5 minutes, until Chloe opened the door and looked at her brother with wide eyes. She was definitely not expecting him to come around. 

Michael then pushed me and walked away. At first I was confused but I realized this was all part of the plan. 

"Chloe Jordan Clifford don't even bother coming home tonight you hear me!" Michael screamed from across the hall. Sometimes I wonder why he chose the music career instead of acting because he is bloody good at it. 

"Fucking Prick" Chloe muttered under her breath "you know what one of the best days of my life will be?" she asked me, I shrugged in response. "The day that asshole finally accepts that I love you and he can't do shit about it."  I smiled to myself knowing that that day could've been today, she's just going to have to wait.


|May 8th|

|Chloe's POV| 

"Wake up Princess" I heard the all too familiar voice of my boyfriend. I slowly fluttered my eyes open to see him hovering on top of me. 

"Good morning sunshine" he said smiling. 

"Morning" I replied stretching a little, Calum can probably full on see my double chin right now but I'm okay with that because he accepts me for me. Accepts.. something my brother doesn't do at all. 

Michael's Sister/ C.T.HOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora