"Cal, whose the smarter Clifford again?"

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|Gemma's new hair|

|Chloe's POV|

"Yes, well that's Calum and-" I was interrupted by Michael

"And you" he snarled

"I told you I was going to hang with Cal" I said bluntly, what's Michael's problem

"You said you were going to hang with Calum, not hang on him!" Okay, point taken

"You. are. SO annoying!" I screamed with my hands in my hair. I just realized I did hate this color.


"You should be like Michael"

"What. Overprotective?" I asked smirking looking at the brown eyes above me.

"No" he laughed throwing his head back "I mean, dye your hair again"

"Cal, who was the smarter Clifford again?" I asked him knowing what the answer was going to be. "You?" he said unsure as to where I was going with this. "Yeah, well since I'm smarter I choose not to dye my hair as much as Michael so that I actually have hair before I hit my late 20's" I smiled innocently as if what I said was not offensive what-so-ever.

"I don't think this color suits you anymore though, you don't seem like a purple monster" he smiled. I gave him a very famous and well known death stare and he just stuck his tongue out.

"Well, if I dyed it what color should it be?" I asked, he probably won't even give me a decent answer. "Maybe a dark turquoise, yeah definitely a dark turquoise, it would match your complexion." I stand corrected, he must've thought this through.

"I am not dying my hair Cal" I smiled shaking my head.

"Come on babe" everything was silent after that, my stemming was fluttering with butterflies and I wanted to squeal like a fangirl, I am a fan of the band but holy shit this is a whole new level.

"W-what?" I asked him, I don't even think I heard him correctly. I turned and saw his hand over his mouth and his eyes extremely wide. I walked over to him and removed his hand, pecking him on the lips.

"You're too cute Cherub" I smiled, I could see a faint blush appearing on his chubby cheeks.

At this point I knew I've fallen for Calum Thomas Hood, and I was ignoring the damage it would cause.

|End of Flashback|

"I'm going"

"Where do you think you're going?"


With that I left the man cave and walked to the store, yes walked to a store that was a twenty-five minute walk.

I got there and people noticed me. Not surprising, I find it amazing though how when we are in Australia, our home country, we don't get big reactions like we do in USA or Europe.

"Hey Chloe" a girl said she had long red hair, I smiled and winked at her. "What do you need?"

"Do you have turquoise hair dye, like a darker shade though?" I asked her, I had a very nice outfit on and I am honestly very proud of it.

"Do you have turquoise hair dye, like a darker shade though?" I asked her, I had a very nice outfit on and I am honestly very proud of it

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"Yeah we do" she said showing me the box.

"Great do you mind if I get two?" I asked her biting my lip.

"Not at all" she smiled, I walked to the cashier with her, bought my dye and gave her a tip.

"By the way what's your name?" I asked her "Raine" she replied with a smile and continued working afterwards.

I got back home and there the house was completely empty, perfect.

"Well, here's to teenage memories" I said lifting the box in the air. proposing a toast to myself as I ran up the stairs. This will either turn out great, or really fucking terrible.


|Calum's POV|

"Calum you better answer me! is there anything going on between you and my sister?!" Michael asked walking towards me with his hands in fists. His teeth were gritted and jaw was clenched.

"Well yeah" I replied bluntly, Michael was about to take a swing at me but I dodge it and put on my best acting skills.

"Woah woah woah mate, calm down" I said with my hands out in front of me.

"How can I 'calm down when you and my sister are probably making out?" he asked raising his voice trying to swing at me again.

"Wait- wha- making out?" I laughed really loud as if the thought of kissing Chloe wasn't magical.

"Why are you laughing, is making out with my sister funny to you?" he asked shocked and still angry.

"Nah mate I don't like your sister! When you said do I have something going on with your sister I thought you meant the party arrangements for her birthday." I laughed again.

"Oh" Michael said. I would be embarrassed too. Even though his assumptions are right, they are spot on in fact. I've fallen for Georgie. Too deep to come back up again.


|Chloe's POV|

"Nina!!" I screamed while face timing her

"What?" she asked giggling, she couldn't see me at the moment because I had my hand over the camera.

"I have something to show you" I giggle

I removed my hand from the camera and Nina gasped. "You look hot af"


SO Chloe's hair is turquoise now! I love it! YAY, you thought the drama is over... guys the drama has just began..

-Gemma xxxx

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