"Why don't you love me?"

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|Michael's POV|

I have been quite offended of what people have said about my relationship with Gemma, one for example was,

@mukeisreligion: I love @Michael5SOS but @Gemma_Difference probably left him because he doesn't seem boyfriend material.

I looked at all the comments and to my surprise Gemma commented and it made my heart break when I saw what she tweeted.

@Gemma_Difference: @mukeisreligion, I love him too, I just wish he'd show love in return </3

I then checked a few dm's and saw some girls were tweeting me screenshots of this.

I decided to tweet an indirect to Gemma just to show her I saw what she commented.

@Michael5SOS: I never knew some love was more visible than others...

A few minutes later Gemma quoted my tweet,

@Gemma_Difference: Yo, my love life story right here

|@Michael5SOS: I never knew some love was more visible than others...|

|Gemma's POV|

I saw what Michael tweeted and I found it quite childish. I am stuck in the girls bathroom crying at the mall, I just saw my ex-boyfriend and Nina was here with me.

"Does he even know?" she asked me

"Who?" I asked not sure wether he was talking about Michael or Cameron.

"Michael you shithead" she said frustrated

"You know, Michael would probably not give a shit, I mean if he saw Cameron he'd get jealous. He'd probably break up with me too."

"Don't say that, don't forget the big 'I love you' stage performance. I may not know Michael as well as you do but that doesn't mean I know nothing." Nina said crossing her arms.

"Are you sure about that, you know, you knowing things because I am pretty positive you know nothing about Mich-"

"How well do I know you?" she asked me, she was becoming more and more frustrated by my actions.

"Like a book." I smiled

"You and Michael. Same person, you're both funny, both have fried hair, both punk, both stubborn bitches."

"Okay you can stop now" I giggled

"You need to talk to Cameron" Nina said, her facial expression was a mixture of seriousness and worried. Also I could tell she was scared.

I took a few more deep breaths, trying to calm myself. I didn't want to face my past again, everything was so perfect without Cameron. Now that he's here I am terrified of what the outcome might be, he might want to fuck up my relationship with Michael and if he does, he'll know what it feels like to be broken, literally.

"Cameron" I shouted when I saw him in sight, many fans noticed and I knew they were fans because of the way they dress and the way they react to things, also because they had their phones out probably recording the shit thats about to go down.

Cameron was sitting on a chair in front of the fountain. Perfect.

"Hey Cam" I said smiling softly

"Hey Gems" I cringed at the name, I am so used to friends and Michael calling me that, that it just feels so wrong, it feels illegal, it feels so wrong that I am beginning to feel nauseous.

"I don't really go by that nickname anymore" I lied and rubbed my arm awkwardly. "Why are you here?" I blurted out

"Well I'm glad you asked, I bought a house here, I'm here to win you back." he smiled.

"No, not happening, have you not been on Twitter lately?" I asked him in disgust, I reached the point of nausea that if I wanted to I could throw up right her right now on his shoes. Thank god I feel generous today.

"Nah, I'm more of a Instagram guy" Ah okay, why am I not surprised.

"Well, I am to busy to be in a relationship with you again" I said smirking

"Busy with what?"

"Well you see it's more of an 'who' than a 'what', and I am to busy enjoying my relationship with the best guy ever."

"Name" he said dully

"Michael. Clifford" I said smirking "Michael Clifford!!!" I raised my voice. What happened next shocked me. About 11 different girls walked up behind me.

"Is this guy annoying you Gemma?" one fan asked. I just smile. "Knowing he is in Australia is annoying."

"Who do you think you are?" another fan asked Cameron.

"Cameron Blue, Gemma's ex" he said really shocked

One fan with red hair walked up to cameron and slapped his in the face causing him to fall into the water which made me and the girls burst out laughing.

"God I love you girls!" I exclaimed and smiled getting them into a group hug, I guess I could repay them with twitter following.

"Follow for follow on Twitter?" I asked causing them to cheer and hug me again. I followed them and Nina came to the group. We were now far away from the fountain but Nina and I decided to take these girls on a boat trip soon.

I was especially thankful for the red head whose name is Raine.


When I got back home I walked into a house that smelt of alcohol. I walked cautiously to the man cave and saw a sobbing, drunk Michael.

"Why don't you love me Gemma?" I froze.

____________________________________________________________________________________Sorry for this chapter, if you read this on the 21st of March 2016 then you're probably confused, I swapped two chapters around sorry!!!

-Gemma xxxx

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