"Are you embarrassed by me?"

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Luke's POV:

"Are you embarrassed by me?" Oh god, God no I would never be embarrassed because of Nina, Arzaylea on the other hand, now that was an embarrassment.

"No, no,no of course not baby girl" I said caressing her cheek trying to show her I'm not lying to her. It didn't seem to be working. I could see the doubt in her eyes.

"You believe me right?" I asked getting worried. Does she really not believe me? "Wh- why would you even think that? Am I a bad boyfriend, am I doing something wrong." I said getting worried, I was experiencing one of my rare panic attacks now.

"Luke, calm down please, deep breaths" She said calming me down, I know she wants to tell me so I said, "No Nina, tell m-me w-why you t-t-think that" I tried spitting out through breathing and shaking.

I could see anger and sadness mixing together inside of her, "Fine. You wanna know? Luke I love you but I can't be a secret, I asked if I was an embarrassment because you never take me on the streets or take me out, if we go out with each other it has to be with everyone else, why?!" She said tears streaming down her face. I was speechless, I didn't know what to say.

"Where are you going" I asked her as she got up , I tried getting up but it took me about 20 seconds to fully gain control of my balance. I went to our shared bedroom and saw her grab an empty suitcase.

"Don't leave me baby girl please don't leave me I love you, I love you so much" I said through streaming tears running down my face.

"I love you Luke, but our love is hurting me, its scarring me. I'm wounded." she cried looking down at the still empty suitcase.

"If you love me you will sta-"

"Do not use that against me Lucas, don't you dare use this whole if you love me bull crap, because if you loved me you would bloody show it, you wouldn't keep me locked up in this fucking house." she screamed and cried which broke my heart. I hate hurting her. I want to make her happy, she deserves happiness not pain.

I fell to the ground while she was packing her clothes and I just stared at her, I don't know how to feel, my heart is numb. I have no control over my body. "Wh-where are you going to stay?" I asked trying not to break down in tears again.

"With Gemma" she said bluntly, where would she stay? Gemma's house has one bedroom and she is hardly there because she spends her days and nights at Michael's house.

"How?" I asked

"Her and Michael are taking a break, Gemma is disgusted because of Clifford's lack of trust for one of my best friends." she said very dully, as if she has no feelings, I know she is hurt, I know she is angry, I know she feels betrayed. She's broken.

"Nins" I called, she slowly turned around with bloodshot eyes and silent tears waltzing down her red, feverish cheeks. "Never be more than a city away from me please, you may hate me but I love you with all my heart and I know you know that" she slowly nodded. My heart is numb but I could still feel myself slowly breaking, she didn't even deny hating me. Does she really hate me? Am I that bad of a person?


Oh shit, no more love chapters for a while, I am so sorry :(

Nina might slap me when they see this, if I don't update it's because she killed me :/

I love you beautiful faces and you mean everything to me <3

-Gemma xxxx

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