"I missed you"

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Chloe's POV:

[Gemma in the pic on the side]

"Hey Gemma guess who is coming home today"

Gemma screamed at the top of her lungs and answered with one name, Michael.

"Are you going to come with me so I can fetch them?" I asked through the phone.

She agreed to come with me and said she would be at my house in 10 minutes. 

I decided not to tell Nina because she is busy working at the moment and her shift probably only ends in the next 2 hours 

*Text notification* 

I got a text from my brother saying he landed but they are having some trouble with the people at the airport and he told us the press and a lot of the fans were waiting so they were "hiding out"

"Gemma?" I called out as the front door opened 

"Nope its just a criminal" she replied walking in and leaning against the wall of the kitchen entrance. She was wearing a maroon jumper with ripped skinny jeans and combat boots.

To Michael: 

Me: Hey big bro on our way, see you in 20 mins xx :) 

Mikey: Hey sis, drive safe and be careful when you get here, don't worry about disguise, just don't get hurt lots of love xx 

I shoved my phone in my bag and we were off, I was driving the audi q7 so people won't notice the big black SUV's the boys usually travel in. 

*15 minutes later*

"Chloe, I got a text from Nina. She says she left work early today because she wasn't feeling well, what do I say" Gemma said frowning 

"Just tell her we will drop by later tonight" I said shrugging my shoulders. 

*5 minutes later* 

We arrived at the airport and I have never seen so many people crowed  outside Kingsford Smith Airport. I parked the car at the VIP area and Gemma and I took a few deep breaths and got out the car.

"Look its Gemma and Chloe" 

"Chloe are you happy Michael is back?" one reporter asked

"I've missed my brother a lot for the past few months." I said avoiding the actual question. 

"Gemma, are you happy Mikey is back? What are your plans for the one month break he has here?" A different reporter asked her

"Well just catch up maybe? he has been doing so much and I'm extremely proud of him and the boys, I am glad they can all just chill with their family" 

We continued walking and we got a few 'I love you's' and a few 'go die bitches' from the fans which made Gemma snicker and made the peace sign as we walked into the airport. 

"Well, where did the boys say they were at?" Gemma asked pulling a hand through her, sign of stress. 

"Stop stressing Gemma, you aren't actually taking these words seriously are you?" I asked, haters are going to hate, she survived a whole 2 months of death threats so I thought this would be nothing.

"Of course I do, I'm Ashton's cousin and people don't even know. Ashton wants to tell everyone but come on that will just cause more shit" Gemma said pacing back and forth, what she didn't know was Michael was standing right behind her with the saddest look on his face.

"Gemma" I said, she stopped pacing and looked at me in confusion, her back was turned to Michael, he used this as an opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist. 

"God I needed that" she said immediately turning around kissing Michael with so much passion.

"Well look who missed me" he laughed 

"Hey, I've missed you too!" I said fake crying. He let go of Gemma kissing her on the forehead whispering something that made her smile and nod. 

Michael ran up to me and picked me up, twirling me around. Once he put me down he squeezed me tightly and said "I missed you" over and over again. I'm not going to lie I have missed my brother too, but every time I think of Michael I think of Calum. 

"Come on" Michael said trying to get something out of me. 

"What?" I asked 

"Did you not miss me too?!" he asked shocked and heartbroken. 

"Aw no of course I missed you!" I said embracing him into another big hug. 

"Gemma, d'you wanna see Ash?" Michael asked and Gemma smiled widely and nodded her head. 

A few minutes of walking to the lounges, we passed some fans who just landed and luckily they were the nice ones. Not going to lie I love the fam, they all are very loving it's just that they don't realize the damage they make on the boys normal lives. Michael's love life. Luke's love life. The paparazzi say less mean things about Gemma and Nina. Gemma and Michael were goofing around. Piggybacks, running, jumping and skipping. After a while of laughing and joy we made it to the lounge 

 I saw Ashton and Luke sitting on the sofa, having a serious conversation, probably about management or tour or new albums, I don't know.. 'Band things' the only thing I could really think of was where was Calum and why was I thinking this?

"Gemma, Chloe" Ashton said suddenly changing his mood from serious business man to happy, giggly, carefree Ash. He ran up to us, hugging me first and kissing me on the cheek. 

He then ran up to Gemma making me really happy because I knew they were a happy family but she didn't want everybody to know, I mean it's not like Michael and I but they are still related and it still hurts Ashton to see Gemma cry over the fans, or cry because of hurtful words and tweets. 

"Hey girls!" Luke then greeted us with warm hugs and smiles. "Where is Nins?" he asked looking confused.

"Well, we didn't want the press to start asking more questions about Nina and also she is sick so you need to go to her house later tonight and surprise her." Gemma said giggling. 

"Great well done girls" he said high-fiveing us. 

"Hey Gems" Calum said, completely ignoring me, I had a pang of jealously in my heart when she ran up and hugged him but then again Gemma is pretty likable when it comes to the boys, she acts like them, like I said her and Michael. Basically the same person. 

"Well I'm off guys, gotta go see my beautiful girl." Luke said hugging us all goodbye. 

"I think we should tell him he has no transport" Gemma said as everyone laughed

"We'll meet him out there." Michael said.


I was walking next to Ashton helping him with his rug sack, while Gemma was on Michael's back laughing as he made horse sounds. Calum was just walking behind Ash and I. What has  gotten into him lately?


Hope you all liked this part, I really enjoy writing this story, I love all of them actually but I really like this one because my friends are in it.

Leave a comment and please vote I love you all very very much. 

-Gemma xxxx

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