"Do suns eat pizza?"

127 11 4

Michael's POV:

I haven't been home in over 5 months and I thought it was time for a long overdue date with my wonderful girl.

"Gemma!" I called out from the bedroom, knowing Gems, she's probably in the kitchen making coffee. Typical girlfriend.

"Yes?" she yelled back.

"What you doing?" I asked like Isabella from Phineas and Ferb.

"Slaying zombies and fighting like the true ninja I am." she replied, I immediately knew she was playing video games. Without me.. Basically doing illegal shit.

"Without me?" I asked in a harsh tone. She always does this to piss me off and it always works. Always.

I walked into the TV room and tackled her on the couch, attacking her with small kisses and tickling her until she begged for mercy.

"M-Mikey, p-p-please stop!!" she said through laughing.

I stopped and became all serious. "The student still needs to become the master ninja"

"I could karate chop things where the sun doesn't shine if you underestimate my skills." she said eyeing me from head to toe.

"Someone's feisty this fine morning" I replied, even though I was actually scared of her right now. She threatened to chop Cliffocondas buddies.

"Listen do you wanna go to Starbuck?"

"Ah I see you wanna make up for underestimating my skills with coffee. I think this is why I like you."

"No you like me because I'm Michael Clifford" I said acting sad

"Now you're wrong I don't like you because you're Michael Clifford 12 to 16 year olds like you because you're Michael Clifford." she said with a straight, dull expression. "I don't even like you Mikey" she said shuffling closer to me. "I love you" she smiled widely.

"I love you more beautiful." I chuckled, which made her blush and kiss my cheek.

"What should I wear?" she asked me.

"Anything comfortable, it's the original date, Starbucks" I smirked knowing she was excited to go out, I also know she was nervous because she hasn't touched her phone since I got back from the airport.

"Gems, please baby don't be nervous, don't listen to them, they're jealous and wish they could get what you have. I love them I really do but they can't hurt my sunshine, without my sunshine life is dark."

"Do suns eat pizza?" she asked giggling and pecking me on the lips, "I love them too, a lot of them are lovely. I just don't know why I pay more attention to the negative ones"

"Thats a natural human response, just give them the middle finger and scream 'FUCK YOU, I'VE SEEN THE CLIFFOCONDA' and then run away" I smiled.

"Sure, okay fine let's get ready you idiot" she said jumping on my back

"What are you doing Gems?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"I'm to lazy to walk." she moaned

I fell backwards onto the couch causing me to crush the fragile girl. She let out a huff, I probably knocked all the air out of her.

"Mikey, I'm going to say this in the nicest way possible" she smiled

"What?" I asked knowing what was about to come.

"Get. The. FUCK UP!" she laughed as I started bouncing on her.

We were like this for a few minutes just goofing around and making out on the couch until we finally had our cravings for coffee and cake slices.

The rest of the day we were walking around town, not many fans spotted us but the ones who did loved Gemma. Except for one.

"Slut!" someone screamed from a distance which instantly made me turn around. I saw a young girl about 14 years old laughing with a group of her 'friends'

"Immature!" I screamed back

"Damn Michael since when were you rude"

"Since you had the audacity to slut shame my girlfriend." I said walking away with my girlfriend wrapped under my arm.

"I'm going to protect you Gemma, I promise


I love Michael in this chapter it is so cuttttute ASDFGHJKL

-Gemma xxxx

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