"Text me yeah?"

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4th April - Leaving Day!

|Calum's POV|

Today was a day I dreaded, I'm happy to go back to the UK and perform but leaving Chloe behind was harder than leaving Sophia. Oh shit. Sophia! Are we even dating? Fuck.

I decided to leave this topic for now until I land in Sheffield. All my things were pack and I was just waiting for the SUV, Gemma, Nina and Chloe were coming with to say goodbye, Ash already said goodbye to Bry, so she didn't want to see him leave today.

I soon heard the SUV outside, followed by a knock on the door. I ran to the door and opened it. Luke and Michael were standing outside with sad faces.

"I'm gonna miss my girl." Luke said "I'm gonna miss our cuddles, our sing alongs our songwriting sessions." he huffed walking in, grabbing one of my bags and walking back to the car.

"Same for me, just different, I'm gonna miss the nights she takes control, our cuddles too though, for sure, I am going to miss our prank calls and our pizza and chill nights" Michael sighed grabbing another bag.

"Please save your pain for someone who is actually in a relationship, and can relate to your pain, because I Mr. Clifford, cannot." I said trying to hide the fact Chloe and I are dating.

"Are you sure?" Michael asked, oh fuck. "Yeah I'm pretty damn sure" I said laughing awkwardly. "So what about the poor girl" Michael said laughing. I stared at him with confusion on my face. "Sophia you idiot" Michael said playfully pushing me as we walked with bags to the car. "Oh, we uh didn't work out" I smiled knowing that I have a much more loving girlfriend now.

"Good, cause I hated her" he snorted taking his seat next to Gemma. I watched as she cuddled into his side, She doesn't want him to leave and he sure as hell doesn't want to leave her. Management is still deciding when they can come visit us.

I could tell Nina and Luke were about to burst out crying which makes me sad. She was on his lap and they were having their own little conversation. Ashton was staring out the window, watching the town go by. I know he is going to miss his family. There's never a day that goes by without him contacting them.

I decided to be myself in the car so I rested my back against Ashton's arm and I swung my legs over Georgie's lap. She gave me the death stare which caused us both to erupt with laughter. She is so beautiful. I really am going to miss her. The worst part is I can't show her or anyone how much I'm going to miss her.

Michael looked over at us but he didn't seem affected by it since I would honestly do something like this to a stranger, just for the fun of it. She smiled at me when I looked back at her. She was smiling at me almost in a teasing way, like a little child.


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|Nina's POV|

We reached the airport and my phone was going crazy from the gif I made on Luke's phone that he then decided to put on Twitter.

@Luke5SOS: I have to stay away from this beautiful face for more than two weeks, how will I survive? :-( @Nina_Difference. </3

We were all waiting at the departure gates and I really don't want to be separated from Luke anymore

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We were all waiting at the departure gates and I really don't want to be separated from Luke anymore. Sadly he has to go on tour and the girls and I need to go to the studio a lot more while the boys are gone.

"I'm going to miss you Nins" Luke said whispering in my ear as he snaked her arms around my waist. I buried my face into his chest, deeply inhaling the scent of his cologne, it smelt like the cologne I bought him for Christmas.

"Shh" I said placing a finger on his lips. "I will see you soon, if we don't think about it then time will fly by faster." I told look, sadly I could tell he didn't believe me. I'm not offended though. I don't even believe myself.

"Flight BA321 boarding at gate A2" the ground staff member announced through the speakers. I looked up at Luke with teary eyes. Squeezing him as hard as I could, hoping I wouldn't have to let go.

"Nina, you better text me everyday, you know I love you very much, please keep me updated. I'll miss you very much." Luke said kissing me one more time before handing his passport and ticket to the lady at the desk. Ashton hugged us all goodbye, walking off behind Lucas. Then went Michael and Calum last.

We kind of knew the whole Calum, Chloe thing, like how they kissed behind Michael's back, how they are dating behind Michael's back and most importantly, Georgie is no longer a virgin. Once 3/4 members were through the tunnels, Calum kissed Georgie goodbye.

"Text me yeah?" he said

"Of course you idiot now go before you miss your flight." she laughed pecking his lips one last time.

Now I need to prepare myself for, hard work, focus, sadness and loneliness. All mixed together.


Hey, I hope this chapter is okay, it's kind of just a filler.

I hope y'all are enjoying my books, :) I love you

-Gemma xxxx

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