Part 14 - Now we're getting somewhere

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Last night had been entirely too rough on Stevie, that nightmare playing role, not even allowing her to enjoy the romantic candlelight dinner Lindsey suggested. She felt horrible for putting a damper on their evening, trying to make it up to him but Lindsey not feeling it, sensing she could not focus on anything but that awful nightmare. When he had tried to touch her, she was constantly looking around the room, incapable of falling in to the moment, clearly obsessed. It had Lindsey wondering if anything would get back to normal before their two weeks was up.

Rolling over on to the side that faced Lindsey, Stevie felt nothing but cold sheets, opening her eyes and seeing an empty bed. "Linds?" she piped up while reaching for her glasses on the nightstand. "Lindsey, where are you?" throwing the covers off her as she began to wander around, looking in the bathroom then heading in to the Living area. "Come on, Lindsey, this isn't funny - where are you?" holding herself as she searched for a note but finding nothing. She panicked. "Just calm down, Stevie, he couldn't have gone far - he couldn't have gone far!" chewing on her bottom lip then grabbing her cellphone, checking for messages then calling him, hearing the vibration of what was to be his own cellphone on the bar. "Oh, Jesus, why would he leave his phone?!" shaking as she debated calling security, tapping her long red nails against the bar.

Lindsey was only across the way at the resort, picking them up some breakfast, thinking that Stevie would sleep through his departure, coming back to the house with her crying in the middle of the kitchen floor. "Baby?" he questioned, tossing down the keys and bringing the bag of food to the bar, giving her his free hand as she took it willingly. "Honey? Honey, what?" as she snuggled him.

"I woke up and you were gone," teeth chattering. "I searched the whole house for you! I called your phone!"  pointing to it on the bar. "You should never leave your phone, Lindsey! And what about a note? Where did you go? I was so afraid that something had happened to you!"

"Stevie," taking her face with his left hand, " were so tired, baby, I thought you'd sleep right through my breakfast run. I'm sorry, sweetie, I won't do that again."

"No, I'm - I'm sorry," bringing her hands down to her sides, shaking them to calm herself. "That whole nightmare has just fvcked up my thinking."

He sighed, "Maybe we should go to a hotel where there's more people around. Would that make you more comfortable?"

"No, Linds, this is a beautiful little spot and I will be fine - just please don't leave me with out letting me know, okay?"

Nodding, he gave her lips a soft and tender kiss, opening the bag up that was filled with random breakfast foods. He had pancakes, bacon, muffins, and just about anything that she could choose from. They sat at the bar and began to munch, Stevie being awfully quiet, Lindsey just thinking it had to do with the time of day. This woman was not a morning person! "Listen, angel, you don't have to eat right now if you don't want to - I just wanted it to be here for you when you were ready."

Chewing on a pancake, she nodded, "I know but I want to be with you."

"I won't leave again, I promise."

"No, I honestly want to be with you."

"Well, I welcome your company. Anything you thought about doing today?" as he picked up a piece of bacon.

Shaking her head, Stevie just shrugged. "No, I have tons of brochures I snatched from the resort but haven't had a chance to look at them."

"We can do that together if you want, you know, after we finish here."

"I would like that."

"Good," smiling while he bit in to his bacon, snatching a blueberry muffin from the bag. "I saw out at the resort that there's going to be this Luau tonight, wasn't sure if you were interested in that."

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