Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter 36


I broke away from the kiss when I heard my phone blasting the familiar tune of 'Love Like War' by All Time Low. Niall raised an eyebrow at my choice of music but I decided to ignore him and scoured around the apartment in search of my phone. I could hear the music become louder as I neared its hiding place. The sink? What the fuck? I stopped wondering why it was in the sink as I saw Martha's name flash upon the screen.

(M-Martha. N-Nicole)

N- "Hey girl what's up?"

M- "You need to help me!"

Fuck! what has she done? Gone into labour? Been kidnapped? Raped?!

N- "What's wrong?!"

M- "I don't know what's happening! It really hurts! Harry's not here, please help me." She whispered the last part and I could tell from her voice how much pain she in actually in.

N- "We'll be there. Just take deep breathes and have a drink and put some shoes on. We're coming to get you."

I hung up the phone and ran into Niall's bedroom where he was now.
"We need to go to Harry's and pick up Martha." I stated as I pulled Niall's joggers up my legs and readjusted my shirt.
"Why?" Niall curiously asked as he put one of his shirts on.
"She's in pain and we need to take her to the hospital." I said as I chucked on some shoes.
"Fuck! Ok, maybe we can get you checked out when were there aswell." Niall shook his head as he pulled a jumper on.
"Niall I'm fine." he huffed and walked over to me; cornering me.
"Your not fine, I can tell when your in pain." His lips ghosted over mine as he spoke. I couldn't be distracted by him now.
"Save it for later," I said as I pushed him away from me.
"We have a pregnant woman to help."


I ended the call with Nicole and started freaking out. What if the baby is coming now? What if there is something wrong with my baby? What if there is something wrong with me?! The worst possible assumptions were going through my head. I shook them off and decided to do what Nicole said and get ready.

I turned on the tap and filled my glass and gulped down the water. Man I feel awful! I went into mine and Harry's room and picked out my TOMS and put them on with difficultly! I decided to give Harry another call.

Waiting....Waiting....Waiting...."Im sorry but the person you have called is unavailable please leave a message after the tone"...BEEEEEP...
Just as I was about to hang up I had a strong contraction.
"AGHHHH FUCKKKKKK!" I screamed, dropping the phone to the floor. I clutched my stomach and keeled over in pain. The front door burst open and Nicole and Niall rushed through the door.
"C'mon, let's get you to the hospital." Niall said as he picked me up with ease.
"Phone...Harry." I barely whispered, but Nicole seemed to understand me as she searched for my phone. I was about to point to it when she found it on the floor, still leaving a message to Harry. Nicole hung up the call and Niall took me down to his car and strapped me in the backseat. I groaned in pain the whole way there and Nicole kept going through my breathing exercises with me whilst Niall drive like a manic to the hospital.

Once we finally arrived at the hospital Niall carried me once again with Nicole running along side us.
"Someone please help, she's pregnant and in pain, we don't know what's happening." Nicole frantically shouted as we ran through the front doors. Immediately there was a wheelchair and I was placed in it and I was being wheeled off elsewhere. I heard the nurse say that only family were authorised to go in with me. I heard Nicole say that she was my sister and that Niall was my brother, sneaky little bastards! I was wheeled into a room where they would do tests on me to check on the baby.

A nurse came in whilst I was screaming in pain, Nicole and Niall were sat down in my room, they had to stay on the seats. I was placed onto one of the hospital beds and my stomach was exposed. The nurse had her back to me, but when she turned around I saw what she was holding; a needle. My eyes widened in fear and then everything went black.

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now