Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter 23


We were all huddled in the living area whilst Niall was still eating his breakfast.
"I'm just gonna take a wizz." I turned to face him.
"Ew Niall!" He just chuckled while he quickly pecked my lips before rushing off to the bathroom. Martha and Harry were still wrapped in each others embrace whilst I kept looking at Niall's breakfast. I caved. I reached over to the coffee table and stole a piece of bacon and began nibbling on it.
"Oh my god. Put that back!" Harry whisper shouted at me.
"What?" I asked confused.
"That's Niall's bacon." Martha said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Yeah? And?" I asked still confused.
"Niall doesn't share food." I laughed.
"He wouldn't mind if I took some bacon." Martha scoffed,
"One time I took a crisp from Niall's plate and he screamed at me until I put it back." I stared at her in shock.
"Yeah and one time Niall bit me because I took a chip." My eyes widened. The toilet flushed and Martha and Harry turned away from me and focused back on the tv.

Niall stumbled out of the bathroom and sat down next to me. He frowned.
"Who ate my bacon?" Of shit, I'm dead.
"Harry I thought-"
"IT WAS NICOLE!" Harry screamed before hiding behind Martha.
"Oh," Niall turned to me and I was prepared for a right yelling.
"Then I'm glad it was you." Niall grinned and gave me another piece of bacon.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Martha and Harry screamed at the same time. Niall faced them and put his arm around my shoulders.
"What can I say? She brings out the best in me." Niall winked at me.
"Clearly, you didn't bite her." Harry mumbled turning back to the TV.
Niall sat me in his lap and whispered in my ear,
"Oh but I have I several places." I blushed and smacked Niall around the head.
"Nicole, I need to speak to you. Bathroom." I glanced over at Martha and nodded before kissing my boyfriend and walking into the bathroom with Martha hot on my heels. As soon as she locked the sort behind her she turned to me.
"You slept with him didn't you!" She squeaked excitedly. I looked at the floor and blushed.
"No we...ur-" I stuttered not fooling her one bit.
"Cut the crap Nicole. I can tell. You like him right?" She scolded me and questioned me at the same time. I looked up in surprise.
"Of course. I love him so much that it hurts." She had tears in her eyes and she pulled me into a bear hug.
"Oh god. You guys are so meant for each other it's unreal." I wrapped my arms around her and we hugged each other tightly before letting go and returning to the living area.

---30 minutes later---

"Fuck!" I jumped up from Niall's lap and ran into his room. I picked up my dress and heels from the floor and raced back into the living area.
"My mum and dad are coming home today!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah? And?" Niall said confused.
"I will literally be dead if I'm not home before they are!" Niall sighed before grabbing a shirt from the side and wrapping his arms around me.
"We can't have that now, can we?" Niall chuckled and I kissed him before leading him out into the corridor.
"Behave you two! No having sex in my apartment!" Niall screamed and then we heard Harry mumble,
"We'll we'd better get going then." Laughing Niall and I raced to his car and started the 10 minutes journey to my house.

--- skipping the car ride ---

"You want to come in?" I asked Niall. We were both sitting in the car outside my house still.
"Yeah sure." He shrugged. We excited the car and Niall wound our fingers together and I blushed slightly. I walked up to the front door and realised, shit! I don't have a key! Why the fuck don't I have a key?! I groaned in frustration and kicked the door. Ouch! Mother of fuck! Why the heck did I do that?! I screamed out in pain and clutched onto the porch for support.

Once the pain had stopped I limped round to the side gate to see a lock code thing. Fucking brilliant! I don't even know the combination!
"Nicole? Are you locked out and are you ok?" I sighed heavily.
"Yes. We are locked out and no I am not ok, I'm anything but ok Niall!-" I stressed but he cut me off by pulling me close and fixing his lips to mine.
"That was the sweetest way I've ever been told to shut up." I grinned at him. He shook his head and kissed my nose.
"So. Can you give me a leg up so I can attempt to jump over the gate and let us in?" I asked Niall. Again he shook his head. Dammit Niall! Your so stubborn!
"Your hurt! And I wouldn't let you do that anyway. You should know that by now Nic." He gave me a crooked grin before jumping up and pulling himself over the gave with ease. Niall opened the gate with the cheesiest grin I've even seen. Rolling my eyes I walked past him and muttered 'show off' under my breath.

I slid open the patio doors and was met with my gorgeous warm home. Niall immediately followed me in. I looked at the answering machine. 3 new messages. I decided to play the messages whilst Niall and I sat down at the table together.

Message 1: "hey Nicci dear. It's just me! Just reminding you that dad and I are coming tonight around about 8ish. Make sure the house is clean, and we will see you soon love you munchkin." -Mum

I was glad to see that I had at least some time to look decent and prepare a meal for tonight.

Message 2: "I see your parents aren't home. Guess I can leave this message for you sexy-"

I cringed and Niall tended beside me, giving a death glare to the answering machine.

"Just wanted to say that I know your home number and I have your mobile number now and you can't stop me this time! I remember how you disobeyed me and I don't like that and I don't think your father will either. Oh yeah and we're meeting up, he's been released from prison. See you soon."

My eyes widened in fear. No not him! Not both of them together! Niall's face turned into pure confusion he recognised the voice but didn't know who it was. Thank god. I looked into Niall's eyes they had suddenly turned from liquid blue to rock hard blue. No!
"Niall it's ok calm down. It's ok. I'm here." He pulled me into his lap and we slid to the floor still caught in each others embrace.

Message 3: "hello you worthless bitch. I've been released from prison and guess what? I met one of your friends, they said you were disobedient. Well I can soon sought that out. I know where you live and your number, you can't hide from me anymore. You going to get what you deserve you fat ugly cow. Watch your back."

I shrunk bak in fear. No. Not again! Tears pooled in my eyes. I looked at Niall and again he wore his confused expression. I shook my head and ran into my room and grabbing a bag. I heard Niall's footsteps echo up the stairs and in an instant he was behind me as I frantically threw clothes and necessities in a bag. I needed to get away from here. Once Niall noticed I was packing he grabbed my forearm and pushed me down on my bed and hovered over me so I couldn't escape.
"Nicole. Baby. Speak to me. I can help you. You can't leave. I won't let you. If your in any trouble tell me. I won't let Clint or whoever the hell that other guy was anywhere near you. I'd die before anything would happen to you." Niall was angry I could tell by the fire in his eyes. He slowly closed his eyes before reopening them; they were glazed over.
" can't leave me." Niall trembled vulnerably from above me. I switched us around so that I was now on top of him.
"I won't ever leave you. I don't know what I was thinking. I just don't want others to get hurt because if my past." I sighed. He looked up and me and said,
"Your all I have left. Besides Harry and Martha." I gasped and then relaxed. When we were both calm we moved to rest again the headboard.
"Yes princess?"
"Can you tell me about your past?" I questioned gazing into his eyes.
"I...I don't know Nicole. Tell me about yours." I shook my head and closed my eyes tightly.
"I-I...I can't not yet Niall. If you tell me yours first I promise I will tell you mine after." He looked down and me before wrapping his arm around me tightly; afraid I was going to leave him.
"We'll, it all started here in Mullingar..."

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now