Chapter Twenty

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Chapter 20


I hadn't realised that we had stayed at Harry's so long, it was now starting to get dark and because its winter, it gets darker quickly. I looked at the time on the dashboard, it read, 6:45. Crap. I looked to Martha and she looked sad but mad at the same time. I don't want to say anything to upset her so I just held her hand tightly. We pulled up to the diner where Niall and I had our first date. Harry cut the engine and we all exited the car. Immediately Harry and Niall were by our side, holding our waists and cautiously leading us into the dark forest.

We got deep into the middle of the forest and waited. Where was he? Can we leave?
"Well, well, well, didn't think that you would show Horan. Especially with your gorgeous girl. Oh and you bought back up, how cute. But so did I." Max walked out from behind a big oak tree along with 6 of his men. Niall hid me behind his back, his hand still wound tightly with my own.
"I have what you want Max. We want no trouble." Max laughed and Niall took a step forwards.
"No, let her bring it." Max motioned towards me. It all happened so fast, Niall pushed me further behind him and Harry, Martha and Niall stood protectively in front of me.
"Over my dead body Max." Niall growled, making me shrink back in fear, I hate conflict. Max smirked and took a step towards us.
"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way Horan." I sighed knowing neither Max nor Niall were going to back down, I walked around Harry and Martha and stood in front of Niall. He had a look of disbelief on his face, I slowly took the parcel out of his hands and turned to face Max. I hesitantly walked towards him, my whole body shaking in fear. A hand wrapped around my forearm and tugged me around to see a frantic Niall pleading me not to go over to Max. But Max wanted me, and I'm not going to let Niall get hurt because I refused to go. I shook my head and tore Niall's grip away from me, when Niall tried to protest and grab me Harry restrained him.

When I reached Max the grin on his face was bigger than when he first met me. I looked at him with pure disgust and pushed the parcel into his chest before turning around ready to get back in the safety of Niall's arms. However Max didn't have the same kind of thought, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him with such force that I crashed into his body, immediately I tried to get away but his grip around my wrist got tighter and tighter causing me to yelp in pain.
"LET GO OF HER YOU MOTHERFUCKER! YOUR HURTING HER!" Niall fumed, starting to angrily walk towards us. Max turned me to face Niall, my back was against his chest, his left arm still held a death grip on my left wrist, however now Max's right had was occupied. Something cold was pressed against my temple, I closed my eyes. It was a gun. I was going to die, and I haven't even told Niall I loved him yet.
"Take another step and I'll blow her brains out." Immediate Niall's footsteps stopped. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Niall staring at me wide eyed. A tear escaped my eye as I looked at Niall. He was so perfect and I wish I could tell him that I love him, but I can't now.
"Please, don't hurt her. I'll do anything." Niall said vulnerably as tear welled up in his eyes. Max shoved me to the ground and Niall ran to me.
"Don't." Max said darkly still pointing the gun at me. Niall slowly backed up, I looked behind him to see Martha and Harry being restrained by some of Max's men. Max stared unemotionally down at me, he looked up at his men and nodded, he slowly started retreating. Max was still rather close to me, he slightly moved the gun to the right and I took this as an advantage. I kicked the gun out of his hand as Niall tackled him to the ground. I looked behind me and saw Martha and Harry having a fist fight with the gang members that restrained them.

I looked back to the fight between Niall and Max and saw that Max was sat on top of Niall repeatedly throwing punches to his face. I quickly ran over to where the gun laid on the ground and pointed it at Max.
"GET THE FUCK OFF HIM. NOW!" I screamed at Max, he complied seeing the gun in my hand. Niall stood up and raced to stand next to me. There were 6 people standing in front of us, including Max. Hang on wait wasn't there 7? Before I even had the chance to look for him a shot was fired and I was tackled sideways before everything went black.

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