Chapter Twenty Four

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*Niall's POV*

She wants to know about my past? I've never told anyone about it before. I guess it's time to tell someone important to me, and Nicole is the only one who's as important as it gets. I sighed and wrapped my arm around her waist; afraid she would be scared by my past and run away.
"We'll, it all started here in Mullingar..."

"When I was younger I had the perfect family life. Loving mother an father and a gorgeous little sister." I looked at her face and it held curiosity and she slightly nodded her head; encouraging me on.
"Well that didn't last long. When I was 16 my parents went away on a trip and they trusted me to look after my 8 year old sister; Elizabeth. She had blonde hair and grey eyes. She was so beautiful." I rambled on. Nicole was still listening intently. Her head was now in my lap and my fingers were tangled in her hair.
"It's ok. Take all the time you need." She spoke softly, entwining our fingers together. Sighing deeply I continued the story.
"My parents trusted me to look after her. They had gone away on a business trip and Liz and I didn't want to go, so we stayed behind. It was amazing we stayed up late and watched movies, ate pizza's and played hide and seek. Until one night." I kept a firm grip on Nicole and carried on.
"You know I'm a drug dealer, right?" She nodded her head.
"We'll I started when I first turned 16. One of the lads at school got me into it. And now because of that I lost my sister."


"C'mon Lizzie, time for bed." We had just finished watching Bambi; Elizabeth's favourite movie, and it was getting on 10pm.
"No I don't want to!" She pouted crossing her arms. I sighed and picked her up and cradled her in my arms.
"You little missy are a cheeky monkey." I stated tickling her stomach. She laughed and wriggled out of my grasp and jumping to the floor.
"Get into bed Liz and I will read you a story." She nodded and jumped up the stairs and ran into her room. I chuckled and went into the kitchen to get a glass of milk for us both. It helped Lizzie to sleep.

I was about to walk up the stairs when there was a knock at the door. I set the milk down on the table and opened the front door slowly. A group of about 5 men barged their way through my house and huddled together. That's when I recognised the middle person. Tom. Shit. I owed him drugs but I didn't get given any today.
"I do believe you owe me something Horan." He spoke not even looking at me.
"I didn't get your package today. I couldn't have given it to you today anyway if it didn't get given to me first." I defended. Tom looked up but not at me. Instead he looked behind me. I followed his gaze and saw my little sister standing in the stairs with her teddy in her hand.
"It's ok Lizzie. Come here." I spoke calmly, so she wouldn't be frightened. Elizabeth quickly stumbled over to me and hid behind me.
"Awh isn't that cute. So Niall, I need something in return for me not getting my half of the deal." I looked at Lizzie and then at the men in front of me.
"I can give you back your money. Just give me a minute me and Lizzie will go and get it." I started to retreat with Liz when two big men held my arms so I was unable to escape. Lizzie screamed as another man picked her up and walked over to Tom. I struggled to reach her but Tom came close to my ear and spoke in a whisper.
"She'll do fine for my payment. I'm sure I will see you again in the far future." I managed to release one arm from one if the men and I punched Tom in the face; breaking his nose. He didn't like that one bit.
"Hold him down!" My legs were kicked from beneath me and I was kneeling and both men had my arms. Elizabeth looked horror stuck about what was happening.
"Don't look Lizzie."
Tom bought his right arm to my left cheek making it throb. I fell to the floor and he repeatedly kicked me. Just as Tom and his men retreated out of the house I looked at Elizabeth one more time before promising to myself that I would find Tom and kill him. Then I blacked out.


I couldn't help the tears that escaped my eyes. It has been 2 years and I couldn't find that son of a bitch anywhere.
"Niall. It's ok. I'm certain you will find your sister. Your not one to give up." Nicole softly spoke as brushed away tears on my cheeks. But for some reason her answer angered me.
"What the hell do you know?! It's been fucking 2 years and I haven't found a trace of him anywhere! My sister has been missing for 2 years now!" I got right in her face and continued shouting.
"It's not fucking ok! You don't know anything! And how are you so fucking positive about me finding her?!"


I've never seen Niall angry before and to be honest he's scaring me. I don't think Niall's noticed but he has me cornered in my room. His grip on my left arm was unbearable.
"N-Niall. Y-Your hurting m-me." I stuttered. The rage in his eyes dimmed and he looked at me in horror, slowly he backed away from me. Looking at his hands in disgust. I was too afraid to move. Niall realised that I hadn't moved and he rooms step towards me. Immediately I cowered back. He moved again and I bolted out of my room and down the stairs. Luckily I still in Niall's top and joggers from earlier. I unlocked the door and ran down the street. I don't care that it's raining. I don't care that I have no shoes on. I don't care that I'm cold. I just need to get away before I get hurt again. I could hear Niall shouting after me as I ran through streets, not caring if I got hit by cars, I saw the local park up ahead and I pushed myself to run faster.

I hid in a small bush beside my favourite oak tree. I heard Niall run past me and I crouched further down into the bush. I created a little peep hole in the bush so I could see what he was doing. He punched a number into his phone and lifted his head as he put his phone to his ear.
"Harry. I need your help. Nicole ran away. I'll explain later but get to Hibury Park. It's getting dark and her parents are coming home at 8 and it's 6:30 now. I couldn't bare it if something happened to her." He hung up the phone and carried on his search. His voice sounded utterly distraught whilst he was on the phone. It made my heart break but I was too frightened to be near him right now. The anger in his eyes reminded me of Clint. The screeching of tyres made me believe that Harry had arrived. I could hear their desperate calls echoing around the massive park.

After around 10 minutes I decided to walk into the forest that was on the other side of the field. They wouldn't find me in there, would they? I hadn't even gotten to the middle if the field when someone grabbed my arm.
"Let me go." I said venerably, expecting it to either be Harry or Niall. But when I turned around I was met with the snake-like eyes of Clint.
"And where do you think your going gorgeous?" He whispered in my ear. As he moved his head back I spat in his face and ripped my arm out of his grip and turned to run into the forest when I was pushed to the floor. I looked up and was met with someone I hated more than anything. My father.
"Now. You've been a naughty girl haven't you. What happened to the obedience I trained into you? I guess we'll have to start from scratch, won't we." Harry and Niall were still in the park somewhere. Maybe if I screamed they would hear me and help me. I kicked my 'father'; John in the crotch and jumped up from the ground and sprinted away from the forest whilst shouting for Niall.
"NIALL! HARRY! HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was tackled to the ground and Clint sat on top of me and turned me around to face him. Wriggling under him I heard Niall and Harry shouting my name. I was about to shout back when Clint pulled out a pocket knife and held it in front of my face. My eyes widened in fear. No not again. Not the knife. He slashed it across my cheek making an ear splitting scream echo around the park. Just as Clint was about to stab me in my chest I saw a tuft of blonde hair and Clint was thrown off me. Immediately I scramble over to Niall and hid behind him. Harry had already knocked out John and now both boys stood protectively in from of me.
"C'mon Clint, you really need to hide behind a knife? Wow that's low." Niall chuckled. Clint put the knife back into his pocket and immediately started a fist fight with both boys. I couldn't stand all this fighting. I found a branch laying next to me. It took me a while to pick it up but when I did I took notice to my second thoughts and I smacked Clint round the head with it. Knocking him out cold.

The jagged sound of our breathing was the only sound. Niall moved towards me and I instinctively put my head down. He sighed and cupped my chin to face him. He rubbed his nose against mine in an Eskimo kiss. Harry broke us apart offering us a lift back to mine as it was still raining, which we gratefully accepted. I sat in the backseat with Niall, I don't want to fear him I really don't. I love him. I unplugged my seatbelt and shuffled over to Niall and put my head in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and bent down letting his warm breath hit my cold face.
"Go to sleep baby. I'll wake you up when were at your house." And with that I fell into a peaceful slumber.

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now