Chapter Four

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I walked down the pathway to my school. Wow there are a lot of students attending here. I'm so glad that in a couple of months I won't have to walk anymore as I will be able to drive my own car here! As I walked through the gate I saw in the car park the 'groups', such as the Jocks, the Cheerleaders, the Nerds and what can only be described as 'The Bad Ass Crew'. In my book everyone is the same to me. Well unless you piss me off.

I walked into the front office to find a short stubby woman with red spikes hair offering her assistance to me. 

"Oh um, I'm new here. My name is Nicole Anderson." When I told her my name her face light up with recognition. 

"Oh yes, Ms Anderson, I've been expecting you. Here is your timetable of what lessons you have today and here is a map of the school, I would start trying to find your first lesson now, don't want to be late do we?" I thanked the woman and just as I was about to leave she called me back. 

"Oh Ms Anderson, here is your locker combination as well your number is 108 in the cafeteria."  

"Oh thank you."

I decided to try and find my first class before anything, I would find my locker later. I pulled out my timetable and map out of my pocket and looked at my first lesson; Art in A4. OH MY GOSH I LOVE ART! Right now I just have to find where the stupid fucking classroom is.

This map is useless I swear! I have been looking for A4 for the past 10 minutes and people are giving me weird looks as if I have 2 heads. I was seriously deciphering giving up and going home before I bumped into someone resulting in me falling on my ass on the floor. Great. You've only been here for what about 15 minutes and you have already fallen on your ass. Get off the floor you imbecile! A hand was dangled in front of my face and I graciously took it. I was stood in front of a girl, well she looked like more of a tomboy, but hey she seems nice. 

"My names Martha, what's yours? And I'm guessing your new here because of that pathetic map you have in your hand." I laughed and told her my name. We talked for a while and actually ended up getting along well. That was before the bell went.

Various people pushed and shoved past me as others avoided pushing Martha; probably because they would have been beaten to a pulp. 

"Hey what class have you got?" 

"Um, I have art in A4 but I can't find it anywhere." I said kind of ashamed that I couldn't even find my own classroom. 

"Oh, we'll I will walk you there since I have the same lesson as you." Oh thank god I have Martha here. We had aimless chit chat on the way to our lesson, we talked about likes and dislikes, we found out that we are very much the same. I think I have found my best friend. Haha.

Just as we walked into the classroom Martha made something very clear. 

"Right now when we go in you introduce yourself to the teacher, tell her your new, then you will be fine. Ok?" I nodded showing that I was listening. 

"Oh and one more thing. There is a boy at the back of the classroom with green eyes and Curley brown hair, if I see you making goo goo eyes at him I will get you. Got it?" I managed I squeak out a 'yes', scared of what Martha might do to me if I made goo goo eyes at her man.

As we walked into the classroom I made my way over to the teachers desk and apologised about us being late; I may have told her that Martha was showing me around. 

"That's ok Ms Anderson. I want you to sit at the back of the classroom with Mr Styles, Ms Ridley and Me Horan." I looked to the back of the classroom at Martha whilst she was speaking, however when Mrs Howard said 'Mr Horan.' A pair of shimmering blue eyes captured mine.


My wonderful readers :)

So what do you think? Should Niall be a jerk or should he be sweet and kind? Vote for more chapters, also leave comments I would love to hear why you honk about my story so far. Sorry I haven't been updating frequently I have been busy :( but I will try to update whenever I can :)


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