"Well I guess all those alien movies were right. Aliens are to be feared to some extent." I said as Bellamy looked up at the star filled sky.

"This reminds me back to when all we had to worry about was keeping 100 teenagers fed and keep some grounders off our ass." Bellamy said as I shrugged

"Well we don't really worry now do we?" I asked him

"No grounders are currently trying to kill us, there is no mountain men, we have food, more guards." I said as he nodded

"There's Polaris." He said pointing out the star in the sky. I looked up to the sky but was lost because of the thousands of stars that filled the sky.

"There's Castor." I said pointing out one of the few stars that I knew about.

Lexa tried teaching me about that stars saying that her people believed that stars could tell the future. It could tell them if the crops would be good or bad. Lexa would point the stars out over and over again.

I turned back to Bellamy as we fell into a comfortable silence. I felt him turn his head towards me and stare.

"You died your hair again." He commented as I looked up at him before grabbing my braid so I could look at mg hair color and looked at the light colored hair.

"Yeah. Last night." I said

"Why?" He asked as I sighed

"Because people see red hair and they avoid me." I answered

"So you dyed your hair so you wouldn't be avoided?" He asked as I nodded

"That's stupid." He said as I raised an eyebrow

"When I first met you, you did whatever you wanted. You left camp whenever you wanted. You led people. You set an example.

And..and now you dye your hair because you're afraid of what people would think." He said as I moved a bit so I could see him better

"I'm not afraid of what people think." I said getting a bid mad.

"It was either lead or be led. I still do what I want. I died my hair because I didn't want people staring at me. I mean what do you want from me? Do you want me to hold a meeting an announce who I am and what I have done?" I asked

"No that's not what I mean." He said

"So what do you mean then?" I asked

"I mean I don't want you to lose sight of your true self." He said

"I was watching you today. And it seems like something is bothering you." He said as I calmed down as my mind wandered back to that note that I received.

"Nothing bothering me." I said as I leaned back on the tree as he stared at me

"You can tell me you know? I'm here for you. I can help." He said

"I'm afraid that what's bothering me is something that not even you can help in." I said with a bitter smile looking in the fire.

"I can try." He said in a soft voice as I shook my head.

"Oh no. This is the reason why Leo got arrested." I said

"She was arrested because she killed a man." He said as I nodded

"Well its come back to bite us in the ass." I said

"What do you mean?" He asked as I looked up at him

"Well there's a reason why Leo killed Scott. A motive in every murder." I said as he nodded

"I don't get it. How did Leo kill him. Where did she kill him? Why did she?" He asked

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