Chapter 25

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I can't stop staring at her.
"Riley what..." I was interrupted by her kissing me. I felt like I was flying.
"You still look beautiful in that dress." she says stepping back.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were going to prom." I ask her.
"I am,but first I needed to come get my date." She says and opens the rolled up paper.
Will you stand right bi me at prom? I read it out loud.
"Will you?" she looks at me with a smile.
"Yes!" I say and at this point I'm in tears. I run up to her give her a huge hug.
"Come on let's go dance our butts off." she says while doing a little dance and making me laugh.
"Let me go get my shoes first." I run upstairs and grab my converse and touch up my hair. I also put on a little makeup. I run back downstairs.
"Ready." I say standing beside her smiling.
"Oh I must get a picture." my mom says wiping away tears. She pulls out her phone.
"Say: Gay!" she says laughing,but is kinda serious.
"Gaaaaaaayyy!" me and Riley say and she takes the picture.
"Go have fun." mum mom says giving me a big hug. We walk outside to see Jade, Sam, Keegan, and...Austin.
"Hey lovebirds come on I want to party." I see Jade yell from the end of the driveway. We laugh and head down to the...LIMO!

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