Chapter 6

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I walk in the class and sit in the chair across from Riley. I can't sit close to her or she will find out my secret because of all my staring.
"Class we have another member. This is...I'm sorry honey I didn't get your name." She says.
"Harmony. Harmony Rose Taylor." I still don't know why I say my full name. As soon as I say my name Riley looks up and gives me small smile.
"Well class, this week I want you to write a poem about something you feel passionate about. It can be anything from the passion for a sport to the love for another person. You don't know when I will ask for these poems, so the sooner you get them done, the better." As she said that I could feel someone's eyes looking at me. I look up to meet Riley's eyes. Why is looking at me?
"You may stay where you or find a place in room to work, your choice. Have fun." She said and returned to her desk. Most people, including me, got up and found a corner in the room. I sat behind the 3rd row bookshelf and pulled out my phone, headphones, and little blue book.

Getting lost into the music, I start to think. What should I write about? What am I passionate about? As I was thinking when a Nirvana song came on and they said best line: " What else should I be all apologies? What else should I say everyone is gay?" and it dawned on me. That is what I'm passionate about. I was tapping my foot along to the music, spitting out whatever my mind came up with onto the page. I got that feeling again I was being watched again. I look around the room and see Riley in the far corner listening to music and looking at me. She smiles again and continues writing. I finish up right as the bell rings. I close by book and head off to the next club.

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