Chapter 10

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I was about to walk in, but then I saw that the room was labeled 'Nurses Office' and then decided against it. I did listen in. Yes I know I'm nosey.
"Now Riley you have to keep these on or it is just gonna get worse." said the nurse.
"But I don't like them. I hate them. I feel like a help less little girl when I wear them." says Riley sadly.
"If you don't wear them how else are you gonna hear. You can't go around reading lips all your life." said the nurse as she brings out 2 hearing aids and batteries. She puts the batteries in and puts them on Riley.
"There. Look you can't even see them. Your hair covers them up." says the nurse with a smile.
"I still hate them." Riley says with a frown.
"I'm sorry,but your mom and doctor said so. Come on and go back to class. And you better not throw away this pair." She says sternly. I run around the corner before Riley comes out. I can't believe it. deaf. Why would she not tell me? Why would she be ashamed of it?

I walk to my locker and see Riley.
"Hey Harmony." she says with a smile.
Signs: Hi.
"Why are you signing, Keegan and Sam are not here?" she asked confused.
Signs: For you.
" Why me,I'm not deaf?" she said nervously.
Signs: You don't have to lie. I knew your secret.
"What secret?" she said not looking at me. I turn her face to mine and moves her hair back.
Sign: Those. I saw the nurse put them on you.
She looks at me and grabs my arm and drags me into the nearest bathroom.

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