Chapter 11

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When we get to the bathroom she checks to see if anyone is in there and there is not. She stands in front of me like she was about to cry.
Sign: There is nothing to be ashamed about. Just because your deaf doesn't mean your less of a person. Your still awesome.
"But I feel, handicap." she says crying and starts taking off her hearing aids. She was about to throw the on the ground and brake them,but I grab her arms. She looks at me.
"You are awesome. With or without hearing aids." She reads my lips and starts crying. I let go of her arms and take her hearing aids. I start to put the back on. I turn up the volume. I hold her head and make our foreheads touch.
"Better?" I say.
"Better." She smiles and laughs. It felt like forever we spent looking at each other and I loved it. The bell rung and snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Um..I got to go." I say quickly. She grabs my hand before I could leave.
"No wait. Why do you do that?" She asks.
"Do what? I just got to go." I say without looking at her.
"Do this. Every time we talk, the bell rings, you freak out and start running away. You have been doing it for months now. What is up?" She says looking at me with those big blue eyes.
"I will tell you some other time. We have to go the buses are here." I tell her. We walk out,but she doesn't let go of my hand. I start to sweat and I feel my face getting red. We walk out the building still holding hands. People start to stare.
"Wow Riley, getting your weird lesbian germs on the new girl all ready." Some girl yells from the bus window. She looks like the stereotypical popular girl. It didn't help that she had two minions, I mean girl egging her on. I look at Riley. She looks mad.
"You know what Stacy, you can just suck my*HONK*"
" Come on. I don't have all day." yelled the bus driver.

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