Chapter 14

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I walk to the middle of the circle and begin.
"My poem is not really good and it kinda short, so..." I say a bit nervous.
Laying under the night sky
Looking up at the stars
As you catch my heart
With your smile
Laughing in the grass
As we hold hands
True love passed
This love is forever
As we stare at the clouds
And time moves on
Can we stay on cloud 9 forever?
"Thank you." I finish and look up to see everyone is clapping.
"That was amazing!"
"So cute." said the other students.
"That was beautiful Harmony." said Mrs. Harper smiling.

The bell rings when I finished and we all leave. I walk out and see Jade and Sam.
"Hey guys."
"Nothing. Just waiting on y'all." I look behind me and see Riley coming. I blush and hope she doesn't think about that poem I wrote. She comes up to me and put a her arm around me. I blush even harder. I try not to let anyone see.
"Um actually we have to go do something real quick. Come on Sam." Jade grabs Sam's arm and takes her away.
"I wonder what all that was about?" I ask Riley.
"Who knows with those two lovebirds?" Riley says.
"What do you mean by lovebirds? I ask.
"Lovebirds. You know, like dating." She said laughing like my question was dumb.
"Their dating!?" I whisper yell.
"Yeah dummy. They have been dating since 9th grade." She tells me. I would have never imaged that Jade and Sam were gay.
"So are bi or...?" I ask trying not to be rude.
"They are both lesbians. And calm down, the whole school knows. It is all cool here no one gives anyone trouble about it..well except Stacy and her wanna be Barbies." She says looking at them talking down the hall. Wow I wonder what she is.
"So...what are you..?" I ask kinda shyly.
"I knew you were gonna ask sooner or later." she smiles. "I'm bi." She says it and inside I was doing back flips.
"Oh cool." I say trying to stay calm.
"What about you?" She asks.
"What about me?" I try to avoid the question.
"Don't play dumb. Are you les, bi, straight, what?" She smiles.
"Umm..." I hesitate to answer. Good thing the bell rung.
"Well would look at that, time to go home." I say and run to my locker to get my other bag.
"But your coming home with me?" She yells.
"Go to the bus and safe a sit, be there in a sec." I yell back. As I head to my locker someone is waiting for me. Its Jade.
"Hey, what ya doing?" I ask.
"Oh nothing..I KNOW WHO YOU LIKE!!" she yells and I feel like I'm gonna pass out.
"Um..what are you talking about? I told you I don't like anyone." I say,but inside I was freaking out.
"Well your face tells me something different. It's Riley isn't it?" She says it and smiles super big. How did she find out?

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