Chapter 7

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I continue down the hall looking for something to interesting.
"Harmony! Harmony!" I hear someone call my name. I turn around to see Riley running towards me. She is out of breath when she gets to me.
"You..forgot..your..headphones." She said panting. She hands them to me and when she does she doesn't move her hand from mine till I closed my hand.
"Th..thanks. Gotta go. I say quickly trying not to look at her.
"Hey wait!" She calls and I turn around. "Here is my number. You can text me anytime." She hands me a small piece of paper with her number and lille doodles around it. I smile and said thanks.

I continue my search and stop at a room labeled 'Orchestra Room' I thought, well I did take a year of violin so what the heck. The teacher was helping students tune when I came in. He told be to wait a second. As I did I look around the room and it was decorated with quotes and pictures everywhere. I also hear a familiar voice. I follow it and it belongs to Jade. I walk up to her and she gives me a hug.
"Hey Harm,what are you doing here?" She asked with a smile.
"Trying out for orchestra." I reply.
"Same. I've taken it for 3 years. How about you?"
"Only a year, but I do enjoy it a lot." Our conversation was interrupted by the teacher.
"I see you already made a friend." He said smiling. He was younger than the other teachers I met. He had a nice white smile and long hair put into a man bun. He also had a nose ring with small gauges. He was very handsome. He dressed like I did. Skinny jeans and converses.
"Hi. I'm Ryan." He said.
"No Mr. Ryan?" I asked a little confused.
"Naw no need to be so formal. I'm too young for that." He laughs. I laugh as well.
"So what instrument do you want to play?" He said sitting on his desk.
"The violin." I say with a big smile. I really like the violin.
"Wow, alright I will go get you one." He says with a surprised look that I said violin. I know why he was surprised. I don't look like I would play an instrument, let alone the violin.

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