Chapter 23

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The whole day goes by the same. Same classes, same lunches, same weird friend, just one thing was different. I still had this question pounding in my head. Why hasn't she asked me out? I'm too much of a wimp to ask out someone like her. But why hasn't she asked me? Does she knew how I feel about her? I stop thinking it and head outside to see Riley waiting for me.
"Hey, how was your day?" She asks taking my hand. I look at our hands.
"Um good." I look up to see her smiling.
"Come on I'll take you home." She volunteers. I agree because I don't want to hear Stacy gloating about her and her boyfriend going to become prom king and queen.

We get in the car and Riley is still holding my hand. I don't mind it.
"Can you believe Stacy? Thinking since she is popular she is automatically gonna be prom queen. Who is even going to that prom?" I say with a lot of hate for Stacy.
"Well actually I'm going." Riley says.
"Oh. By yourself?" I asked confused.
"No. I got a date." she says smiling.
"Oh." I say looking down and letting go of her hand. She looks puzzled,but keeps driving. We finally get to my house.
"Bye Harm." she says and tries to give me a kiss,but I move out the way.
"I gotta go." I say getting out the car and running up to my house and not looking back. She drives off.
"Hey honey how was your day?" my mom asks when I come in.
"I don't want to talk about it." I say running up to my room. I plop face first onto my bed. I start to think to myself. If she has a date when would she kiss ME? Why would she hold MY hand? Why is she not hanging out with THEM?
"Love sucks." I yell into my pillow.

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