Chapter 19

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We walk up the driveway to garage. Riley opens it and gets the keys out of her pocket.
"I didn't know you could drive." I say going to the passenger side.
"Yep. Had my license since I was 16." She tells me.
"Then why ride the bus?" I ask a little confused.
"Because I like to friends." She says starting the car. The drive to the mall was fun. We were in the car singing and dancing to all out favorite songs.

We finally made it to the mall. It was way bigger that most malls I have been too.
"What are the best stores? I ask her.
"Um let's see. They have Hot Topic.." I didn't even let her finish.
"What!? Where!?" I ask. I really like that store. It is like a second home. She take my hand and guides me to an escalator As we go up I look around and see that she is still holding my hand. I don't mind it as much anymore. We walk into Hot Topic and look around. I see a T-shirt for band a like and bye it. I also bye some more bracelets. Riley byes something too,but I don't see what it is. We walk of Hot Topic and continue to look around. I see this dress that catches my eye and I run up to it, letting go of Riley's hand.
"I.Love.This.Dress." I say pressed against the glass. Riley comes up behind me and takes me into the store.
"Excuse me, we would like to try on that dress." she tells the lady behind the counter pointing at the dress. She goes to get and shows us the changing rooms.
"I'll be right back." I say to Riley, who sits done in the chairs. I few minutes later I come out in the dress. It is a strapless purple and black dress. It starts with purple and then fades into black at the bottom. I look in the mirror to see how I look.
"Wow. You look beautiful." I turn to see Riley looking me in awe.
"Really?" I smile playing with the dress.
"Really." she says smiling.
"Will you be buying it?" the cashier lady says walking over to us. I look at the tag. There is no way I could buy this.
"No.." I start to say,but I was interrupted.
"Yes, we will be." Riley says smiling at me.
"Alright I will ring it up." said the cashier leaving.
"What are doing!?" I ask her.
"Buying the dress for you." she says pulling out her wallet.
"But it costs so much." I say not wanting her to buy it.
"It is no problem, you can make it up to me later. Now go change out of it." she said smiling and gently pushing me to the changing rooms. I change out of it and we buy it and leave the mall.

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