The Pirate And The Siren

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Prompt suggested by @SkytheKud


The pirate paced back and forth as he thought of the reason he was here on this one man journey in search of the infamous man who possessed his stolen treasure.

He pulled his scope out of his belt and extended it, scanning the horizon. Rocks, coves, trees, anything. He couldn't find anything that signaled land until he saw a beautiful creature of an unearthly form. It's hair wasn't normal, a faded almost red. The sailor cracked a smile, knowing what he'd found.

The siren began to sing its long since heard song in hopes to lure the green-haired pirate off course.

The creature's song entered the pirate's ears, a feeling of somewhat ecstasy filling him. He wanted to just jump right off into the deep ocean and swim to the rock, but he still kept himself under control. Or, for as long as he could.

"Come, let me grace you with my voice, petty sailor. I can give you everything you want, need, desire." The siren spoke, it's pure voice flowing like the ocean waves. The pirate couldn't resist this urge to surrender himself to the one whose voice echoed in his ears.

He sailed his ship to the near rock and jumped, jumped right off the boat and into the ice cold water. Once he emerged, he swam to the rock climbing to the top to meet this siren. The sailor sat in front of it.

"I've been expecting you." It spoke, it's voice twisting into beautiful sounds and breaths of fresh air. The sailor showed no emotion, sitting on the damp rock as the waves crashed against it.

"What's your name, pirate?" The sailor was still silent.

"Tell your name, petty pirate!" The siren commanded, its voice harsh and briar-like.

"Jack." The pirate spoke softly, not affected by the siren's sudden change in tone. The finned siren's expression softened into a gentle smile as he settled his hand on Jack's head.

"That's a wonderful name. Tell me, how did you come to possess it?" Jack hesitated and looked out at his ship, threatening to crash against the rocks that were scattered about the random alcove.

"My mother gave it to me I guess." Jack kept his gentle tone.

"Why do you sound unsure?"

"I never knew my mother."

"That's very tragic. I hope you are able to recover and seek out a new mother." The siren spoke confidently as it stretched out over the rock and moved its tail up and down, splashing pools of water on Jack. He didn't seem to mind.

"That's not how it works." Jack whispered, giving a short chuckle. He expected the siren to raise its voice again and yell for being smart, but it didn't.

"Please," The siren sat up and settled in front of Jack, letting his tail coil around the two. "Explain to me how your species functions. I must know."

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