Chapter Twenty One

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**When you see ITIHYKOL that stand for It's That I Hate You Kind of Love**

I was walking down the hill my heart thumping in my ears, trying not to let her words to get to me. But it was too late; they already did. Absentmindedly my fingers reached out to bump along the rails of one of the black iron fences to a gigantic blue house. Before I knew it I was stopping, leaning my back against the rails and staring up at the cloudy sky. It was going to rain soon. How fitting. Slowly I slumped down until my back was digging into the fence and my body ached from the hard ground.

I barely noticed.

Steel gray. The clouds I mean. Overlapping each other and covering the blue sky like a giant cotton blanket. It was hard to believe that just hiding behind this thick layer of particles and water the sun hid it's bright face.

Under their cover everything appeared gloomy; the lush lawns lost their shining dew that normally sparkled in the light. The spotless windows lost their merry glint. The iron gates appeared less decorative and more and more threatening. It's amazing just how one's perspective could change under certain circumstances.




If someone passed me by, if someone who knew me, cared, passed by would they help me? Or would they slow down to see who that wet girl was and then hit the gas because it wasn't just a wet girl. Because it was me.

Charlotte Wayland; the werewolf girl. The werewolf lover.

Was Stacy right?

Was I really a werewolf lover? Was I condemned to a life with a monstrosity? Was I meant to be with Carson? I dreamt of him, I couldn't stop thinking of him, a part of me yearned for him.

I breathed in a ragged breath, covering my swimming eyes with my warm palms.

I'm going to hell.




The faces of those in Town Hall that day; the ultimate shock and horror. The appall they felt. The lingering disgust radiating from their frowns.

I was a rat. A dirty, ugly, scrawny little rat in a world of clean white mice.

And just like a rat I don't belong in my favorite restaurants, I don't belong in rich columned houses with pristine floors, I don't fit in with the clean white mice, even the kind.

I'm an outcast.

I'll never belong.

And it's all because of Carson.






The rain began to pick up; hitting the jade-green tree-leaves softly and sliding off to fall upon the springy grass that was drooping and jumping with each tiny bit of pressure.

Unlike the grass, however, I couldn't bend. I couldn't accept my fate; I was never going to be with him-a monster. He really thought I would go with him after a week? Please.

I will never let him touch me again.

I will never let him speak to me again.

I will never talk to a werewolf again.

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