Chapter Fifteen

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just warning you, this chapter has quite a bit of swears.

**When you see ITIHYKOL that stand for It's That I Hate You Kind of Love**


Trust a werewolf. Don't trust a werewolf. Trust a werewolf. Don't trust a werewolf. Trust a werewolf who's offering you escape...

Okay, I'll trust a werewolf, but only for now. Never again!

"You want to help me escape?"

The Luna nodded and then waved her hands at me. "Yes, but take a shower first and eat this." She threw me a red apple that I hadn't noticed was in her right hand. I stared in disgust at the fruit, but from her glare I finally took a bite, deciding not to question her. She's helping me escape after all! But why, why is she doing this?! She's going against her son!

The Luna quickly took the apple from my hand and threw it on the bed. Slyly I thought of it as a goodbye present to Carson. Ha! I'll never see Carson again! This is the best day ever! She thrust fresh clothes at me and ushered me into the bathroom. I wanted to whine and ask why we couldn't just leave, I was itching to go, but I didn't want her to grow annoyed at me and change her mind.

As fast as I could I showered, but hesitated before shaving my legs. In fear that she would make me take another shower I shaved them as quick as I could earning me two cuts around my knee and ankle. Too excited with the thought of actual escape I could barely register the pain. Stepping out of the shower I scrubbed my body with the towel, threw on my clothes without looking at them, tore a brush messily though my tangles and went back out into the main room.

"Okay I'm ready can we go?" I sounded like an impatient child, but I was filled with uncontrollable adrenaline and all I wanted to do was break out in some crazy song and dance. Attempting to sober myself with the idea of getting caught nearly worked, but not totally. I couldn't stop the images of reuniting with certain people. I'm going home!

Luna Joy smiled grimly at me and nodded. I thrust my feet into the black flip flops as she opened the door quietly. She turned to me and said; "Act like nothing is wrong." Before we walked into the hall. I could barely restrain my emotions and pinched myself to make sure this was really happening. It was.

I briefly wondered where the guards were, but then remembered the Luna could just send them away with the snap of her fingers. You know I don't like werewolves at all, except perhaps Emily, Bethany, Zach, Logan, Mr. Jakes, Gemma... okay, never mind... Anyway this Luna is looking pretty cool right now. Cautiously we stepped down the stairs and the Luna held her head up high. While she looked completely at ease I struggled to keep my hands at my sides and to ward off the billions, no trillions, of butterflies in my stomach.

Where's a bug zapper when you need one? Seriously.

We both froze as we stepped off the last steps, and so did the three pack members seated on the couch. They stared at us silently and we stared at them. After what seemed like years, the Luna finally spoke.

"I didn't know you three were home. I was informed that you would be at your various colleges or training courses." She spoke calmly, without a hint of nervousness and for the second or third time I recognized her professionalism.

The African-American boy at the far end of the couch cleared his throat. "Uh, classes were cancelled because of some incident in one of the lab's at Alex's and my school. But, um, Katie doesn't have any classes until we were just watching TV."

The two boys were glancing at me with curiosity, but the girl was blushing scarlet and staring at her twisted hands on her lap. To my surprise I looked at the Luna and found her with a tiny smirk and raised eyebrow. It was odd that she reminded me of Carson in that moment.

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