Chapter Three-Edited

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**When you see ITIHYKOL that stand for It's That I Hate You Kind of Love**

I sucked in a deep breath. Get a grip, Charlotte! You're going to be fine! They are going to be fine. My fingers nervously smoothed down my blue dress and straightened the gold flowers. Fumbling slightly with my gold flower earrings and brushing my hair back with a finger, I released the pent up breath.

Everything is going to be fine.

Who am I kidding? Everything is far from fine, werewolves are coming into town today, including their alpha, luna and their stupid son. Every single person in my town is freaking out right now, I'm sure.

I bit my lip glossed lips and studied my repeatedly brushed black hair, cascading down my shoulders. I stared into the worried brown eyes gazing back at me. I hadn't wanted to put on any make up because I dislike the stuff, but mostly because I had to wear it for them. In defiance I wore the tiniest bit of mascara, a bit of disgusting mud called foundation to cover blemishes, and then some pink lip gloss. It tasted like fake strawberries.

Worry for my friends clouded my mind. They were probably getting dressed right now, just as I was. I nearly cracked a smile at the thought of Stacy wearing a dress. Nearly. What would John do if she was the alphas son mate? Or another werewolf? Most tried to ignore this, but even if the alphas son didn't claim you, another wolf could.

Was Bailey hoping right now that Stacy and I weren't going to be picked? I know I was. And, Brianne. Was she as scared as everyone else? Was she thinking about our fight yesterday?

I wish I could just stop thinking for a few minutes.

The door behind me opened slowly after three light knocks. My older brother, Ben, poked his head in, forcing a small grin at me. "You look great Char."

I turned and nodded. "Thanks, Ben." I said, offering him a small smile. My brother looks a lot like me with his black hair and brown eyes. Apparently we both took after our mother, and not the father that has been absent from our lives.

Ben rolled his eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah don't let it get to your head. Mom says breakfast is ready."

I laughed and shoved his shoulder lightly as I walked past him, and we trooped down the stairs. I plopped down in the chair next to Ben and across from my already seated mother.

Immediately as we arrived my mom placed her steaming cup of coffee on the table, with a slightly shaking hand. She cleared her throat lightly, one hand playing with the table cloth. Her eyes were slightly teary as she looked at me. "You look beautiful, Charlotte." She smiled wobbly.

I nodded sullenly and reached for an apple, though I wasn't really hungry. My stomach was already filled with nerves. I traced the red skin of the fruit with my thumb and then looking disgusted, I set it down. There wasn't any possibility that I could eat right now.

I looked up to realize my brother and mother weren't eating either, and instead were watching me. Ben nudged me lightly with his shoulder. "You really should eat, you know." He said quietly. His face was taunt in concern and I know he's just as worried as mom about me being chosen. My twenty-two year old brother has always been the protective type.

I shook my head and crossed my arms over my stomach. "I can't. I'm too nervous."

Mom sighed, running an agitated hand through her black hair. "We all are, honey. I highly doubt anyone is happy today."

My brother snorted. "Yeah, they're more like terrified." He paused. "You don't know how bad I want to show those mutts that not all humans are as weak as they think." He held up a fist as if to emphasize his point.

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