J.G: Mine

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Dedicated to my friend Ciara.

"Ciara?!" I hear Jack yell through the bathroom door "Hurry up! We gotta meet the guys in ten minutes!"

I roll my eyes. I was currently doing a video on how to do the wing-tip effect with mascara.

"Are you doing a video?" He asks

I roll my eyes again and start speaking "I'm sorry guys, My boyfriend is being a huge pain in the bum!" I yell the last part

When I'm finished I end the video and walk out the bathroom, glaring at Jack as I go by.

"Yeah, Yeah glare all you want we still gotta go." He says

Jack's pov

Ciara waits by the door as I get my keys. When she sees me she smiles. She's so beautiful. Her short curly brown hair framing perfectly around her face, complementing her bright blue/grey eyes. She has on regular skinny jeans, a off-the-shoulder sweater that says #JG and the sandals I bought for her birthday.

"You look beautiful baby." I say walking up to her and giving her a kiss.

She smiled and broke the kiss. She gave me one last peck before walking to the car. I open her door for her and I get in after.


We get to Main Event, an Arcade where Ciara and I are going to meet the guys. We go in and instantly see the guys by the entrance. I smile and greet them. They say hi to Ciara also, giving her hugs. We start to bowl, Ciara is next but she looked really confused.

Ciara's pov

I'm super confused. I don't have the slightest clue on bowling.

Great, you are an A+ student and you can't bowl!

I grab a random ball and yank it off the rack, instantly falling because of the weight. Before Jack can get to me, I feel myself being pulled up. I turn to see a boy with brown hair.

"I-I'm sorry." I say, instantly

"No problem." He says flashing a row of pearly whites, he grabs a yellow ball off the rack and hands it to me "Yellows the lightest."

I take it and smile "Thanks."

"No problem. And just to be clear, from lightest to heaviest it's, Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue, Purple, Green." He says "You grabbed blue, which means you should probably stick with Orange and Yellow. Plus, it'll make it easier to throw."

I nod, "I really appreciate it."

"Welcome, I love helping beautiful girls." He says

I blush. Then I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Babe, is this guy bothering you?" Jack asks sounding irritated

"No, he's actually being very helpful." I say

"Well, thanks for helping my girlfriend." Jack says smirking

The guy nods, and flashes me one last smile before turning on his heel and walking away. As soon as he's put of sight I rip Jack's hands away.

"Gilinksy, what the hell was that!?" I snap

"I was trying to let the sleez know that you are mine." He says sounding calm

"Yours!?" I screech "Last time I checked, I'm not some toy! So you don't own me!"

"I own everything on you!" Jack snaps "You are my girlfriend, you are mine."

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