Jumping into the void

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Hermione POV
'I knew it' said Dumbledore. 'You and your little friends here would want to escape.'

'You friends want you to die, harry. I want to save you-'

'So that you can benefit from it's harry spat.
'Do you want to die, harry? If not, then why break the vow?'

'I am not breaking the vow.'
'You are. You are betraying me this very moment.'
'And how is that?'
'Firstly, By not completing the whole speech.'

'Knock, Knock. You think you know everything?'
Harry pointed his arm towards the stage.

How had she not noticed it before. The speech had again started. But... Hermione went closer and saw something she never expected...

Continuing the speech was Harry. Another harry...
Had the harry of this dimension really died...?

'Is- is that our harry?' Dumbledore asked stunned.

'Believe what you want, old man.
Dumbledore caught Harry's arm.
'Not so quick my dear.'

'I have no use for you anymore...' whispered Dumbledore.
Hermione understood what was going to happen.

But before she could do anything, in a blink of her eye Dumbledore crashed against the opposite wall.
The other harry. And now Hermione could see that it wasn't the harry of this dimension...

His disguise was wearing off. And only one man could be so perfect in Hermione's eyes.
It was her boyfriend,
Draco Malfoy.

Harry and Draco met eyes and nodded.
'Neville. The time turner.'
'Yeah' Neville threw it to harry.

Harry caught it and began to spin the rings... This time turner was specialized not for hours but for days.
1... 2... 3... 4... 5...

They all joined hands.

And they were sucked back in time... It had been five years since Hermione last felt that feeling...
'What just fucking happened and how are you alive?' asked ginny.

'Thats easy' said Draco.
He had changed to his true form.

'Harry didn't die because he didn't break any vows' said Draco.

'You, It was you!' said Neville in awe.

'Master of disguises at your service.' said Draco.

'But how is harry alive?' asked Neville.
'You all are asking it like you want me dead' muttered harry.

Hermione smirked at him.
'Well,' began Draco 'Harry had told the necessary lies to the audience, to begin with.'

'But harry betrayed Dumbledore.' said Neville.
'It was my plan. I betrayed Dumbledore, not harry. Vows see even the slightest of things.'

'But didn't the third vow say that harry couldn't go back to his dimension.'

'This was the most easy one. Specific words, my child. It also said using this time turner. Dimensions are to be travelled using Dimension portals. We are just travelled by time using this'

Everybody was in awe of Draco. Hermione went up and hugged him, furiously.

'I missed you.'
'Believe me, I did the same.'
Harry Pov

It was easy since most of them were busy celebrating as harry had just won the war. It was beginning of dawn of a new era...

According to mione, dimension portals opened at the highest point of a location.
So here, they were at the astronomy tower. The tallest tower in Hogwarts.

It would be a few minutes after which the dimension portal would open.

'It is going to end?' Asked harry.
'Hope so' said Hermione.

Neville had interlocked hands with Luna looking like a sweet romance couple.

Ginny was staring at the sky.
Ron and Draco were trying their best to ignore each other- the hatred quite evident in their veins.

Hermione didn't know how time passed in silence... and suddenly the Dimension Portal opened a little below in the sky.

'Its now or never' said harry.
And the group of seven jumped.
Jumped into the void...

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