The Torn Letter

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Draco Pov
He didn't know whether he had done the right thing or the wrong one.

He wasn't exactly planning on leaving them forever. Forget them. He wasn't planning on leaving Hermione.

In the lonely streets as he walked alone in deep thought, he wondered what exactly had happened. His rash actions were justified but what would Hermione think of him?...

Would she hate him... Again? You wanted that, didn't you, he cursed himself.
But a tiny part of his heart gave it away. In a corner of his heart he did want Hermione to hate him.

Because if they managed to get back to their own dimension, Hermione would be better off without him. Her life would be better... And he didn't exactly care about himself.
He cared about Hermione...

All this started with a night...
When he received a letter by his arch enemy Weasley. After reading the letter he thought Weasley was kidding but something didn't feel right.
The letter had an article attached. An absolutely original article with no signs of fake in it.

And he knew... That Weasley would go to any level to torment him- to break his relationship with mione... At one time maybe he would return the favour back to Weasley. The war had taught him much more... Made him much more mature.

His hand went up to his pocket. Yeah, it was there. But something didn't feel right. Oh no! He only had the article with him... And a half of the letter. The other half of the letter must have fallen off with the others.

Oh shit, Heavens no!

Hermione POV
With trembling hands she opened the letter. She wasn't sure whether she should read it. After all Draco hadn't told her about it... But Draco did seem a bit off the last few days. Extremely sullen and Dissapointed.

Her curiosity won the final battle.

Ha! Ha! Ha! You know why I am laughing? Cause you don't, ferret.
But you will and I bet the following moments will be the worst of your life.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Read on, ferret.

Hermione stopped reading, her brain working. She didn't think it was possible for Ron to send such a nasty letter to Draco... Even to Draco. But people change. She learned that from Draco.

Well, you may have guessed that I have some good news to give to you making me so delightfully happy. Yup, you're right, amigo.
Before we all- and yeah I am here in this time as well, so now worries we will meet soon- maybe tomorrow? Who know's :)

So this was before they met up with Ron. Why hadn't Draco told about this? Something was wrong going on here...

Yeah before we came in this time, back in our time, you remember Harry was the Head Auror. Yeah when he went, I became the temporary Head Auror. So I came across a lot of documents about
crimes of massive vicious death eaters. Well searching their files I came upon a jackpot... Tra la la ? Guess what?, ferret.

I came upon a section called 'Young Criminal Minds'
And guess who I came across in the first page... Getting nervous, ferret. Should be. I came across- yeah you got that right- you.

You know that Aurors have got a lot of rights.. And I did a something or the other... Aah a treat I have given you. A treat you will love... I Ron Weasley-

The letter was torn from there. Hermione wanted to know what was further, and who better to tell her than the sadistic bastard.
Ron Weasley was going to have a tough time. The toughest time of his life.

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