Making Deals

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Hermione POV
Are you sure about this?' Asked Hermione.

'Absolutely' said Draco. 'You can play this out, mione.

'The others are taking her captive. We are to meet at green lawns for the mourning.' Harry added.

'I really don't like this idea. We could simply talk this out - maybe even trick them but again when you already used imperius. I never really have forgiven you for that Draco.'

'I am sorry Hermione. But it is the only way.'
Hermione huffed.
'Now. Now, please if something goes wrong me and Harry here are always there as backup. And while going remember that I love you.' Draco smirked.

Hermione hid her smile. 'I bet you don't.'
'Miss Granger. It's been a pleasure to have this interview with you.'
Hermione nodded. 'Mine as well, Miss Burton.'
'Hermione, can I call you that?'
'Yes, I would prefer that.'

'I know this is a touchy subject but how exactly are your emotions right now? Your supporters are dying to know how you are feeling?'

'Well, what I feel right now is complicated. I feel happy that everybody's life is safe.

Everybody will be living a happy life. But what I am actually feeling- that is beyond your or anybody's understanding, to be frank.

But for the sake that you don't print rubbish in the prophet, I will tell you that I feel sad. I feel broken like there is a part of me not working. I feel half without him because he is my other half.'

Neville PoV
'What are you guys doing? I am late for the interview. Don't you understand me? Do I need to scream it out?'

'Hell with the interview. It's been taken care of-' started Neville.

'Just take a seat. Then we will talk properly.'
'Whatever. What is this all about?' Asked hermione.

'Well, I am sorry to bother you Hermione but we need your help.'
'In what, exactly?'
'Well we all are dimension travellers, the one's dumbledore wants to arrest-'
Hermione's eyes widened.

'You- you are the ones who are allies with the imposter Draco who imperiused me.'

'Malfoy always makes things hard.' muttered ginny.

'You don't need to worry about that but trust us. We are in need of help, and we are telling the truth.' Said Neville.

'How can I know that you are indeed saying the truth or this is a bullshit story you are framing up.'

'This isnt helping' muttered Neville.
'Well then Hermione, let's strike a deal.' Said ginny.

'Yeah, you help us in getting us back to our own dimension and we will pay whatever price you ask for.' Said Neville.

'So what do you want in return of helping us?' Asked Ginny.

'I want'
Hermione looked up.
'Harry Potter'.
Draco POV
'Hermione that was brilliant acting.' Exclaimed draco.

'What did you expect? I was thinking about you all the time if I ever lost you.' Said Hermione leaving a stunned Draco.

Draco didn't have the courage but he knew that she was about to lose him soon. He didn't care anymore. Hermione would be much safer without him.

The Final Dimension (Book 3)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα