Draco's Big Mistake

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Hermione POV
She had told the others to wait in the terrace for a few minutes so that she could find Draco and Neville could find Luna though some people were not ok with it. (*Cough* Ron *Cough*)

'Draco! There you are' she shouted as soon as she saw the familiar platinum blonde haired boy whom she loved. But his response was far from what she expected.


'Calm down Draco and stop screaming like a toddler.'

Draco blushed at his stupidity but still his surprise could be seen on his face.

'How did you- In such less time- What is happening?'

'Calm down Draco' Hermione repeated.
'No you calm down' he took her arm and started running.

'Where are we going?' Said Hermione irritated.
'I am sorry mione, but I really need answers.'

'So do I.'

'Now, did you escape from the headmasters cupboard?'

'What in freaking hell are chattering about?'

'Do you remember anything..?'

'Of course. We just dimension travelled and-'

'I knew it! You are the real one. I knew it from the beginning. The other Hermione had a different perfume' muttered Draco.

'Excuse me' said Hermione.

'Yeah, we have got to check this out, Hermione. Come with me.'

Draco POV
As they carefully entered the headmasters office, Draco was lucky that Dumbledore wasn't there this time. They tiptoed until they reached the cupboard at the corner of the room.

'Alohomora' He pointed at the cupboard. The cupboard was empty.
It was his biggest mistake. How could he have forgotten how smart albus Dumbledore was...

'Oh no... Shit no' he cursed.
'What happened? Isn't the girl who looked like me or whoever the hell she is here?'

'Hermione, I am sorry.'
'I have heard that before.'
'No I really am.'
'Um ok'

'We have to run.'
'Like we never have.'
'What are you going on about-'
'Hermione there's no time.'
'Explain first.'
'Trust me. Later, we have to-'

The door opened.
As Dumbledore and McGonagall entered Draco wondered how he could have been so careless.

He had not only put his life in danger- but Hermione's.

McGonagall's eyes widened on seeing Hermione.
'But Albus, this is impossible.' Muttered McGonagall.

'It seems some people can turn impossible to possible. You owe us an explanation, Mr Malfoy.' Said Dumbledore his face completely expressionless.

'You may come inside, Mrs Granger.' Though he was in trouble, Draco was right.

The Hermione standing next to him was the one he loved. The Hermione who entered through the door was foreign to him. But they both looked absolutely the same.

The Final Dimension (Book 3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz